

2.—(1) If representations in writing about a prohibition notice are made by the manufacturer, supplier or user to the Secretary of State, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to consider whether to revoke the notice and—

(a)if she decides to revoke it, to do so;

(b)in any other case, to appoint a person to consider those representations, any further representations made (whether in writing or orally) by the notified person about the notice and the statements of any witnesses examined under this Schedule.

(2) Where the Secretary of State has appointed a person to consider representations about a prohibition notice, she shall serve a notification on the notified person which—

(a)states that the notified person may make oral representations to the appointed person for the purpose of establishing that the relevant apparatus to which the notice relates complies or did comply as the case may require with the protection requirements or regulation 32 as the case may be; and

(b)specifies the place and time at which the oral representations may be made.

(3) The time specified in a notification served under sub-paragraph (2) above shall not be before the end of the period of twenty-one days beginning with the day on which the notification is served, unless the notified person otherwise agrees.

(4) A person on whom a notification has been served under sub-paragraph (2) above or his representative may, at the place and time specified in the notification—

(a)make oral representations to the appointed person for the purpose of establishing that the apparatus in question complies or did so comply as the case may require; and

(b)call and examine witnesses in connection with the representations.