
Regulation 6(7)


A. Vehicle Safety Checks

1.  Describe how to perform a check on the condition and safety of three components of the vehicle, chosen at the examiner’s discretion, from the list of components specified in paragraph 2 below, and demonstrate an actual check on the condition of two further components, similarly chosen from the list.

2.  The components are: tyres, steering, brakes, lights, reflectors, direction indicators, audible warning device, and the liquids used in the braking system, steering system, engine or elsewhere in the vehicle as a coolant, lubricant, cleaner or otherwise.

B. Preparation to drive

3.  Adjust the seat as necessary to obtain a correct seating position.

4.  Adjust rear view mirrors, head restraint and seat belt.

5.  Check that the doors are closed.

C. Technical control of the vehicle

6.  Start the engine and move off smoothly (uphill and downhill as well as on the flat).

7.  Accelerate to a suitable speed while maintaining a straight course, including during gear changes.

8.  Adjust speed to negotiate left or right turns at junctions, possibly in restricted spaces, while maintaining control of the vehicle.

9.  Brake accurately to stop where directed, if need be by performing an emergency stop.

10.  Perform the following manoeuvres—

(a)reverse in a straight line and reverse right or left round a corner while keeping within the correct traffic lane;

(b)turn the vehicle to face the opposite way, using forward and reverse gears; or

(c)park the vehicle and leave a parking space (parallel, oblique or right-angle) both forwards and in reverse, on the flat, uphill and downhill.

D. Behaviour in traffic

11.  Observe (including the use of the rear view mirrors) road alignment, markings, signs and potential or actual risks.

12.  Communicate with other road users using the authorised means.

13.  React appropriately in actual risk situations.

14.  Comply with road traffic regulations and the instructions of the police and traffic controllers.

15.  Move off from the kerb or a parking space.

16.  Drive with the vehicle correctly positioned on the road, adjusting speed to traffic conditions and the line of the road.

17.  Keep the right distance between vehicles.

18.  Change lanes.

19.  Pass parked or stationary vehicles and obstacles.

20.  Approach and cross junctions.

21.  Turn right and left at junctions or to leave the carriageway.

22.  Where the opportunity arises—

(a)Pass oncoming vehicles, including in confined spaces.

(b)Overtake in various situations.

(c)Approach and cross level-crossings.

(d)Drive in road tunnels.

E. Alighting from vehicle

Take all precautions necessary when alighting.