
Prohibition of exclusive arrangements

14.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), a public sector body shall not enter into an exclusive arrangement with any person including an applicant.

(2) A public sector body may, where necessary for the provision of a service in the public interest, enter into an exclusive arrangement.

(3) The validity of the reason for granting the exclusive arrangement under paragraph (2) shall be reviewed at least once every three years.

(4) Any exclusive arrangement permitted under paragraph (2) and entered into on or after 31st December 2003 shall be published by the public sector body.

(5) Any exclusive arrangement which exists on the date of entry into force of these Regulations and to which paragraph (2) does not apply shall be terminated at the earlier of—

(a)the date on which it comes to an end in accordance with its terms; or

(b)31st December 2008.

(6) In this regulation, “exclusive arrangement” means a contract or other arrangement granting an exclusive right to re-use a document.