

Port Radio Telephone Communication

1.—(1) Save with the permission of the Queen’s Harbour Master, all vessels of an overall length of 20 metres or more, and, when engaged in any type of commercial activity, small boats navigating within the Dockyard Port shall carry fixed or portable VHF radiotelephony equipment.

(2) The Queen’s Harbour Master from time to time may by notice published as a general or local notice to mariners direct that the provisions of Rule 1(1) be extended to small boats when necessary for safety within the Dockyard Port.

(3) Port radio telephone communications shall be conducted in accordance with any direction issued by the Queen’s Harbour Master from time to time.

Vessels not to approach Vessels carrying Royal or other Standard at Masthead

2.  No vessel when underway in the waters of the Dockyard Port outside the Harbour, shall unnecessarily approach within 400 metres of any vessel carrying the Royal or any other Standard at the Masthead.

Vessels constrained by their draught

3.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), within the limits of the Dockyard Port vessels constrained by their draught (as defined in the Collision Regulations) shall show the signals laid down for such vessels in the Collision Regulations.

(2) A submarine navigating on the surface within the Dockyard Port shall be deemed to be a vessel constrained by its draught but shall not be required to show such signals.

Shipping Movement Control

4.—(1) Vessels restricted in their ability to manoeuvre and vessels constrained by their draught within the meaning of the Collision Regulations shall not operate in the Dockyard Port without the permission of the Queen’s Harbour Master.

(2) Vessels of 20 metres or more in overall length shall—

(a)enter or leave the Harbour only under the direction of the Queen’s Harbour Master;

(b)obtain permission from the Queen’s Harbour Master to sail or move within the Harbour before leaving their mooring or berth or weighing anchor; and

(c)when inward bound obtain permission from the Queen’s Harbour Master to enter the Harbour before passing the Saddle Buoy or entering the Swashway across Spit Sand.

(3) No vessel shall, without the permission of the Queen’s Harbour Master, navigate—

(a)save as provided for in sub-paragraph (c) below, within 50 metres of any of Her Majesty’s vessels or foreign warships or auxiliaries alongside any Crown Establishment or which is at anchor, a buoy or a mooring within the Dockyard Port;

(b)within 50 metres of the walls, slipways and boundaries of any Crown Establishment; or

(c)within 100 metres of any submarine alongside in any Crown Establishment or which is at anchor, a buoy or a mooring within the Dockyard Port.

Exclusion Zones

5.—(1) The Queen’s Harbour Master, on any occasion when it is necessary to facilitate or ensure a clear passage for any of Her Majesty’s vessels or vessels under the charge of Her Majesty’s Officers in the Dockyard Port may direct immediately before and once she becomes underway that there be an exclusion zone of up to 250 metres radius in the water around the vessel.

(2) The vessel which is to be given clear passage shall display—

(a)(by day) two diamond shapes vertically disposed where best seen; or

(b)(by night) two flashing red lights at the masthead horizontally disposed.

(3) Where a direction specified in paragraph (1) above has been given and whilst the shapes or light signals specified in paragraph (2) above are displayed—

(a)no vessel underway in the Dockyard Port, save any vessel authorised to escort the vessel to be given clear passage, shall enter the exclusion zone; and

(b)vessels alongside, at anchor, at a buoy or at a mooring within the exclusion zone shall remain in such a position whilst the exclusion zone remains in force.

(4) The exclusion zone shall remain in force until either—

(a)the vessel which is to be given clear passage leaves the limits of the Dockyard Port; or

(b)the Queen’s Harbour Master countermands the direction which promulgated the zone.

(5) A direction shall be given and countermanded using VHF Channel 11 or 13 and where practicable by the movements signal.

Temporary restrictions on movements within the Dockyard Port

6.—(1) The Queen’s Harbour Master shall when necessary make arrangements for the safe passage of vessels in accordance with the following subsections of this Rule.

(2) Such arrangements may include a Harbour closure (which may include closure of an area of the Harbour specified by the Queen’s Harbour Master) or a channel closure.

(3) A closure will be promulgated using VHF Radio Channel 11 or 13 and where practicable by the movements signal.

(4) When a Harbour closure is in force no vessel of any description may move in or enter the Harbour or area of the Harbour specified by the Queen’s Harbour Master save under direction given by the Queen’s Harbour Master.

(5) A channel closure may be promulgated by the Queen’s Harbour Master in respect of the approach channel and the main navigable channels in relation to a vessel which the Queen’s Harbour Master determines requires a clear passage.

(6) Each of the following channel closures promulgated for a vessel movement shall have the effect ascribed to it—

(a)Channel closure for inbound and outbound vessels.No vessel other than the one in whose favour the channel is closed shall enter the approach channel or the main navigable channels of the Harbour.
(b)Channel closure for inbound vessels.No vessel other than the one in whose favour the channel is closed shall enter the approach channel or the main navigable channels of the Harbour from seaward, but outgoing vessels from Portsmouth may proceed.
(c)Channel closure for outbound vessels.No vessel other than the one in whose favour the channel is closed shall leave the Harbour but incoming vessels may use the approach channel or the main navigable channels of the Harbour in order to enter the Harbour.

(7) The vessel which is to be given a clear passage and any tugs in attendance on such vessel shall display the International Code Pennant superior to Pennant ZERO by day (no signal being displayed at night) while underway in the area.

(8) Notwithstanding a channel closure being in force, small boats may continue to operate provided that they do so with caution and that they do not impede the safe passage of the vessel for which the channel closure is implemented.

Small Boats in the Harbour

7.  Power-driven small boats and all cross harbour ferries shall, when inside the Harbour, keep out of the way of all seagoing vessels, Isle of Wight car and passenger ferries and tugs conducting towing operations.

Speed of Vessels navigating the Dockyard Port

8.—(1) All vessels shall comply with any direction which the Queen’s Harbour Master may issue for speed limits from time to time and which may be published in a general or local notice to mariners.

(2) Subject to paragraph (1) above, no vessel, when navigating within the Harbour or (except for water-skiers and jet-skiers in an area for the time being designated by the Queen’s Harbour Master and marked by buoys) when within 0.5 nautical miles of the line of mean low-water springs in any part of the Dockyard Port outside the Harbour shall proceed at a greater speed than 10 knots through the water save for the purpose and subject to the conditions specified in a licence in writing given by the Queen’s Harbour Master.

Vessels to be navigated with care and caution

9.  The Master of a vessel navigating the Dockyard Port shall navigate the vessel with care and caution and in such a manner as shall not cause annoyance to the occupants of any other vessel or cause damage or danger to any other vessel or to any moorings or other property.

Navigation in the Harbour Entrance and Small Boat Channel

10.—(1) Small boats flying official flags or discs which are pilot boats, police launches, HM Customs and Excise craft, Her Majesty’s vessels or Royal Maritime Auxiliary Service craft, and tugs engaged in towing operations or escorting a vessel under instruction from a pilot, may use the approach channel and the main navigable channels of the Harbour when the exercise of their duties requires it.

(2) Subject to paragraph (1), small boats must:

(a)use the designated Small Boat Channel when entering or leaving the Harbour;

(b)if fitted with an engine, use it when in the Small Boat Channel and when crossing between Ballast and Gunwharf Quays or the Town Camber;

(c)not loiter in the Small Boat Channel;

(d)obey any directions in respect of traffic separation which the Queen’s Harbour Master may from time to time issue by local or general notice to mariners in respect of the entrance to the Swashway and the Inner Swashway; and

(e)not, without the permission of the Queen’s Harbour Master, cross the harbour between Ballast and Gunwharf Quays or the Town Camber.

Movements of Vessels in the Harbour and its approach channel during poor visibility

11.—(1) At any time when the visibility in the Harbour or approach channel is less than 0.25 of a nautical mile the Queen’s Harbour Master may declare fog routine to be in force. Whilst the routine is in force no vessel of an overall length of more than 20 metres shall enter the Harbour or approach channel or leave her berth or mooring therein or weigh anchor, except with the permission of the Queen’s Harbour Master.

(2) Small boats may proceed at the Master’s discretion with caution and must keep clear of the main navigable channels and the approach channel.

(3) The Queen’s Harbour Master will direct that the routine is in force and when it has ended by broadcasts on VHF radio Channels 11 or 13.