
Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order is the fifth Commencement Order made by the Secretary of State under the Licensing Act 2003 (“the Act”). The Order brings into force those provisions of the Act specified in article 2(2) and listed in the Schedule to the Order, to the extent specified. Those provisions are concerned with enabling licensing authorities to make the necessary arrangements for the application for and conversion of existing licences and club certificates and the variation of new licences and certificates as provided for in Schedule 8 to the Act, during the transitional period, and for applicants to make such applications, from the first appointed day (SI 2004/1739 appointed 7th February 2005 as this day) within a period of six months.

Further, the provisions of the Act which provide for the application for premises licences, club premises certificates and provisional statements and their determination are brought into force with effect from the first appointed day to enable applications for new authorisations to be made in the transitional period.