

Application and interpretation of Part 5

16.—(1) This Part applies to SPDs only.

(2) In this Part–

“adoption statement” means a document that specifies–


the date on which an SPD is adopted, and


that any person aggrieved by the SPD may apply to the High Court for permission to apply for judicial review of the decision to adopt the SPD; and


that any such application for leave must be made promptly and in any event not later than 3 months after the date on which the SPD was adopted;

“consultation statement” means the statement prepared under regulation 17(1);

“SPD documents” means–


the SPD,


the sustainability appraisal report,


the consultation statement, and


such supporting documents as in the opinion of the authority are relevant to the preparation of the SPD; and

“SPD matters” means–


the title of the SPD,


the subject matter of, and the area covered by, the SPD,


the period within which representations about the SPD must be made in accordance with regulation 18(2)(a),


the address to which and, where appropriate, the person to whom representations (whether made by way of electronic communications or otherwise) must be sent in accordance with regulation 18(2)(b),


a statement that any representations may be accompanied by a request to be notified at a specified address of the adoption of the SPD.