Royal Parks and Other Open Spaces (Amendment) Regulations 2004

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations amend the Royal Parks and Other Open Spaces Regulations 1997 (S.I. 1997/1639) (“the principal Regulations”) so as to provide an exception to the prohibition on the use of a pedal cycle, roller skate or blade, skate board or other foot propelled device on any Park road without the consent of the Secretary of State for children aged 10 years or under (regulation 2(2)(a)).

Further, these Regulations amend the principal Regulations to impose on park-users an added requirement to remove any faeces deposited by an animal under their control. An exception is provided in respect of a registered blind person (regulation 2(2)(b)).

In addition, they amend the principal Regulations to add a new prohibition which provides that no person may cause or permit a fire to be lit, or any lighted match, object or any other thing to be discarded in any way so as to be likely to cause a fire (regulation 2(3)).

Also, these Regulations remove Parliament Square Gardens and Trafalgar Square from the scope of application from the principal Regulations (regulation 2(4)) and they amend the principal Regulations to substitute a reduced speed limit of 20 mph from 30 mph in respect of Park roads in Richmond Park (regulation 2(5)).