
Regulation 18


PART IInformation on ozone concentrations

The following information on ozone concentrations shall be obtained and collated—

Type of stationLevelAveraging/accumulation timeProvisional data for each month from April to SeptemberReport for each year

In this Schedule, “AOT40” has the same meaning as in paragraph (d) of Part I to Schedule 2.


Maximum daily 8-hour mean.

  • Where they do not do so already, annual reports must also contain—


    for ozone, nitrogen dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and the sums of ozone and nitrogen dioxide (added as parts per billion and expressed in µg/m3 ozone) the maximum, 99.9th, 98th and 50th percentiles and annual average and number of valid data from hourly series; and


    the maximum, 98th and 50th percentile and annual average from a series of daily 8-hour ozone maxima.

Data submitted in monthly reports are considered provisional and shall be updated where necessary in subsequent submissions.

Information thresholdAny180µg/m31 hour—for each day with any exceedance: date, total hours of exceedance, maximum 1 hour ozone and related NO2 values when required—monthly 1 hour maximum ozone—for each day with any exceedance: date, total hours of exceedance, maximum 1 hour ozone and related NO2 values, when required
Alert thresholdAny240µg/m31 hour—for each day with any exceedance: date, total hours of exceedance, maximum 1 hour ozone and related NO2 values, when required—for each day with any exceedance: date, total hours of exceedance, maximum 1 hour ozone and related NO2 values, when required
Health protectionAny120µg/m38 hours—for each day with any exceedance: date, 8 hours maximum (b)—for each day with any exceedance: date, 8 hours maximum (b)
Vegetation protectionSuburban, rural, rural backgroundAOT40 (a) =6,000µg/m3.h1 hour, accumulated from May to JuneValue
Forest protectionSuburban, rural, rural backgroundAOT40 (a) =20,000µg/m3.h1 hour, accumulated from April to SeptemberValue
MaterialsAny40 µg/m31 yearValue

PART IICriteria for aggregating data and calculating statistical parameters

In this Part, percentiles are to be calculated using the method specified in Council Decision 97/101/EC establishing a reciprocal exchange of information and data from networks and individual stations measuring ambient air pollution within Member States(1).

The following criteria are to be used for checking validity when aggregating data and calculating statistical parameters—

ParameterRequired proportion of valid data

In cases where all possible measured data are not available, the following factor shall be used to calculate AOT40 values:

* being the number of hours within the time period of AOT40 definition (that is, 8:00 to 20:00 Central European Time from 1 May to 31 July each year, for vegetation protection and from 1 April to 30 September each year for forest protection).

1 hour values75% (45 minutes)
8 hour values75% of values (6 hours)
Maximum daily 8 hours mean from hourly running 8 hours averages75% of the hourly running 8 hour averages(8 hours per day)
AOT4090% of the 1 hour values over the time period defined for calculating the AOT40 value (a)
Annual mean75% of the 1 hour values over summer (April to September) and winter (January to March, October to December) seasons separately
Number of exceedances and maximum values per month90% of the daily maximum 8 hours mean value (27 available daily values per month) 90% of the 1 hour values between 8:00 and 20:00 Central European Time
Number of exceedances and maximum values per yearFive out of six summer months over the summer season (April to September)

OJ No. L035, 5.2.1997, p. 14.