The School Governance (Procedures) (England) Regulations 2003

Suspension of governors

15.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (2), (3) and (4), the governing body may by resolution suspend a governor for all or any meetings of the governing body, or of a committee, for a fixed period of up to 6 months on one or more of the following grounds—

(a)that the governor, being a person paid to work at the school, is the subject of disciplinary proceedings in relation to his employment;

(b)that the governor is the subject of proceedings in any court or tribunal, the outcome of which may be that he is disqualified from continuing to hold office as a governor under Schedule 6 to the Constitution Regulations;

(c)that the governor has acted in a way that is inconsistent with the ethos or with the religious character of the school and has brought or is likely to bring the school or the governing body or his office into disrepute; or

(d)that the governor is in breach of his duty of confidentiality to the school or to any member of staff or to any pupil at the school.

(2) A resolution to suspend a governor from office shall not have effect unless the matter is specified as an item of business on the agenda for the meeting of which notice has been given in accordance with regulation 11(4).

(3) Before a vote is taken on a resolution to suspend a governor, the governor proposing the resolution shall at the meeting state his reasons for doing so, and the governor who is the subject of the resolution shall be given the opportunity to make a statement in response before withdrawing from the meeting in accordance with paragraph 2(2) of the Schedule.

(4) Nothing in this regulation shall be read as affecting the right of a governor who has been suspended to receive notices of, and agendas and reports or other papers, for meetings of the governing body during the period of his suspension.

(5) A governor shall not be disqualified from continuing to hold office under paragraph 5 of Schedule 6 to the Constitution Regulations for failure to attend any meeting of the governing body while suspended under this regulation.