The Education Standards Fund (England) Regulations 2002

Regulations 2, 5 and 11


School Improvement

1.—(a) School improvement, save as mentioned in (b) below.

(b)Initiatives to raise standards in schools with the lowest levels of attainment.


2.—(a) Support for—

(i)measures to reduce the number of exclusions and levels of truancy;

(ii)the provision of full-time education for children of compulsory school age not attending school;

(iii)pupils with special educational needs;

(iv)measures designed to improve the educational achievements of children who are looked after by local authorities or who are unable to attend school because of illness or injury;

(v)drug, alcohol and tobacco prevention; and

(vi)out of school hours learning.

(b)Support for—

(i)mothers and expectant mothers of compulsory school age in education and measures to reduce the level of pregnancy among pupils;

(ii)schools drugs, alcohol and tobacco advisors;

(iii)measures to improve standards of education of pupils whose parents are asylum seekers; and

(iv)measures to support child protection procedures.

Raising standards of achievement

3.—(a) Raising standards of achievement by pupils, save as mentioned in sub-paragraphs (b) or (e) below.

(b)(i)Measures to provide equality of educational opportunity for all minority ethnic groups, including in particular measures to assist pupils for whom English is an additional language and measures to raise standards of achievement for those minority ethnic groups who are particularly at risk of under-achieving.

(ii)The introduction of 12, 6 and 3 unit courses leading to Advanced certificates of Vocational Education, and the improvement of pupil attainment by the introduction of General Certificates of Secondary Education in vocational subjects.

(iii)Study support centres within or near the premises of football and other sports clubs participating in the Department for Education and Skill’s programme known as Playing for Success, other than in the case of those education authorities piloting innovatory types of sports and education partnership under the programme.

(iv)Training and development of Staff providing nursery education when the education provided is included in an education authority’s early years development plan under section 120 of the 1998 Act.

(v)Improving adult: pupil ratios in reception classes.

(vi)Improving the teaching of literacy and numeracy in primary, middle and special schools.

(vii)Improving results at key stage 3.

(viii)Additional literacy and numeracy classes for pupils who will complete key stage 2 in the summer of 2002.

(c)Measures to support the development and implementation of personal, social and health education.

(d)Education authority music services to schools.

(e)The making of provision to promote and facilitate access to education and more regular school attendance and to promote levels of educational achievement by any person who—

(i)by reason of his way of life (or, in the case of a child, his parent’s way of life) either has no fixed abode or leaves his main abode to live elsewhere for significant periods in each year;

(ii)fell within sub-paragraph (i) within a period of two years immediately preceding the making of the provision referred to in sub-paragraph (a); or

(iii)is for the time being resident in a camp or other accommodation or establishment provided for refugees or for displaced or similar persons.

Particular groupings or descriptions of schools or further education colleges

4.—(a) Support for particular descriptions or groupings of schools or further education institutions.

(b)Support for summer schools for gifted and talented pupils.


5.—(a) Support for teachers, save as mentioned in sub-paragraph (b) below.

(b)Support for—

(i)the induction of newly-qualified teachers;

(ii)advanced skills teachers up to the target number for such teachers set for the education authority by the Department for Education and Skills;

(iii)teaching assistants;

(iv)small schools;.

(v)the introduction and operation of threshold assessment and performance management.

(c)Support for research projects aimed at investigating, developing and facilitating routes for teaching assistants to qualify as teachers.

Capital projects

6.—(a) Capital projects and other projects relating to the buildings and other infrastructure of schools, save as mentioned in sub-paragraph (b) or (c) below, the setting up and running of Fresh Start schools, the setting up and running of learning support units, projects to improve school security, measures to reduce the size of classes at Key Stage 2, the extension of the provision of nursery education facilities, the purchase of computers for teachers and of electronic registration systems.

(b)Enabling schools to secure effective use of the networked educational services made available through the National Grid for Learning.

(c)Capital projects and other projects relating to the infrastructure of specialist schools, being schools which are designated as such in the Department for Education and Skill’s programme for specialist schools.