The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002

Road markings shown in diagrams 1013.1, 1013.3 and 1013.4: double white lines

26.—(1) A road marking for conveying the requirements specified in paragraph (2) and the warning specified in paragraph (7) shall be of the size, colour and type shown in diagram 1013.1, 1013.3 or 1013.4.

(2) The requirements conveyed by a road marking mentioned in paragraph (1) shall be that—

(a)subject to paragraphs (3) and (5), no vehicle shall stop on any length of road along which the marking has been placed at any point between the ends of the marking; and

(b)subject to paragraph (6), every vehicle proceeding on any length of road along which the marking has been so placed that, as viewed in the direction of travel of the vehicle, a continuous line is on the left of a broken line or of another continuous line, shall be so driven as to keep the first-mentioned continuous line on the right hand or off side of the vehicle.

(3) Nothing in paragraph (2)(a) shall apply so as to prevent a vehicle stopping on any length of road so long as may be necessary for any of the purposes specified in paragraph (4) if the vehicle cannot be used for such a purpose without stopping on the length of road.

(4) The purposes are—

(a)to enable a person to board or alight from the vehicle,

(b)to enable goods to be loaded on to or to be unloaded from the vehicle,

(c)to enable the vehicle to be used in connection with—

(i)any operation involving building, demolition or excavation;

(ii)the removal of any obstruction to traffic;

(iii)the maintenance, improvement or reconstruction of the length of road; or

(iv)the laying, erection, alteration, repair or cleaning in or near the length of road of any sewer or of any main, pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas, water or electricity, or of any telecommunications apparatus kept installed for the purposes of a telecommunications code system or of any other telecommunications apparatus lawfully kept installed in any position.

(5) Nothing in paragraph (2)(a) shall apply—

(a)so as to prevent a vehicle stopping in a lay-by;

(b)to a vehicle for the time being used for fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes;

(c)to a pedal bicycle not having a sidecar attached thereto, whether additional means of propulsion by mechanical power are attached to the bicycle or not;

(d)to a vehicle stopping in any case where the person in control of the vehicle is required by law to stop, or is obliged to do so in order to avoid an accident, or is prevented from proceeding by circumstances outside his control;

(e)to anything done with the permission or at the direction of a constable in uniform or in accordance with the direction of a traffic warden; or

(f)to a vehicle on a road with more than one traffic lane in each direction.

(6) Nothing in paragraph (2)(b) shall be taken to prohibit a vehicle from being driven across, or so as to straddle, the continuous line referred to in that paragraph, if it is safe to do so and if necessary to do so—

(a)to enable the vehicle to enter, from the side of the road on which it is proceeding, land or premises adjacent to the length of road on which the line is placed, or another road joining that road;

(b)in order to pass a stationary vehicle;

(c)owing to circumstances outside the control of the driver;

(d)in order to avoid an accident;

(e)in order to pass a road maintenance vehicle which is in use, is moving at a speed not exceeding 10 mph, and is displaying to the rear the sign shown in diagram 610 or 7403;

(f)in order to pass a pedal cycle moving at a speed not exceeding 10 mph;

(g)in order to pass a horse that is being ridden or led at a speed not exceeding 10 mph; or

(h)for the purposes of complying with any direction of a constable in uniform or a traffic warden.

(7) The warning conveyed by a road marking mentioned in paragraph (1) shall be that no vehicle while travelling next to a broken line placed on the left of a continuous line, as viewed in the direction of travel of the vehicle, should cross or straddle the first-mentioned line unless it is seen by the driver of the vehicle to be safe to do so.