The Children’s Homes Regulations 2001

Child’s placement plan

12.—(1) The registered person shall, before providing accommodation for a child in a children’s home, or if that is not reasonably practicable, as soon as possible thereafter, prepare in consultation with the child’s placing authority a written plan (in these Regulations referred to as the “placement plan”) for the child setting out, in particular—

(a)how, on a day to day basis, he will be cared for, and his welfare safeguarded and promoted by the home;

(b)the arrangements made for his health care and education; and

(c)any arrangements made for contact with his parents, relatives and friends.

(2) The registered person shall keep under review and revise the placement plan as necessary.

(3) In preparing or reviewing the placement plan the registered person shall, so far as practicable having regard to the child’s age and understanding, seek and take account of his views.

(4) The registered person shall so far as is reasonably practicable—

(a)ensure that the placement plan is consistent with any plan for the care of the child prepared by his placing authority; and

(b)comply with requests made by the child’s placing authority to—

(i)provide it with information relating to the child; and

(ii)provide a suitable representative to attend any meetings it may hold concerning the child.