The Leicester (South and West) Education Action Zone (Extension and Variation) Order 2001

Statutory Instruments

2001 No. 2869


The Leicester (South and West) Education Action Zone (Extension and Variation) Order 2001


3rd August 2001

Laid before Parliament

9th August 2001

Coming into force

1st September 2001

Whereas an application for the purpose of extending and varying an education action zone has been made to the Secretary of State with the consenting bodies of every school participating in the zone.

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred on the Secretary of State by sections 10(2), 10(3) and 138(7) of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998(1), the Secretary of State for Education and Skills hereby makes the following Order:

Citation and commencement

1.  This Order shall be cited as the Leicester (South and West) Education Action Zone (Extension and Variation) Order 2001 and shall come into force on 1st September 2001.


2.  In this Order—

“Leicester (South and West) Education Action Zone” means the Education Action Zone established by the Leicester (South and West) Education Action Zone Order 1998(2).

Extension of the Leicester Education Action Zone

3.  The Leicester Education Action Zone is extended for a further period of two years beginning with 1st September 2001.

Variation of the Leicester Education Action Zone Order 1998

4.  There shall be inserted after article 9 of the Leicester (South and West) Education Action Zone Order 1998 the following article—

Removal from office by Forum

9A.  A member of the Forum may be removed from office by the Forum in the following circumstances:

(a)in the case of a member who was a governor of a zone school at the time he was appointed to the Forum pursuant to either article 4(a) or article 5, if that person ceases to be a governor at that zone school, or a governor of the relevant category as the case may be;

(b)in the case of a member appointed pursuant to either article 4(a) or 5, if the school whose governing body appointed him, or to which he was connected, is discontinued;

(c)in the case of a member appointed pursuant to article 4(c), if the body in question is dissolved or otherwise ceases to exist;

(d)in the case of a member appointed pursuant to article 5(a), (b), (c) or (d), if that person no longer appears to the Forum to represent the interests of either parents of pupils at zone schools, or voluntary sector or community interests, from the relevant estate, or to represent the interests of teachers at zone schools, as the case may be.

5.—(1) The Leicester (South and West) Education Action Zone Order 1998(2) is varied as follows:

(2) The words “(c) one person appointed by each partner unless any partner chooses not to make such an appointment.” are deleted from article 4 and in their place is inserted,

(c)one person appointed by Leicester City Council;

(d)three persons appointed by the zone partners (excluding Leicester City Council).

(3) Article 5 is deleted and in its place is inserted;

5.  The Forum may at any time appoint—

(a)one member who appears to them to represent the interests of parents of pupils of compulsory school age at the zone schools, or voluntary sector or community interests, on the Braunstone Estate;

(b)one member who appears to them to represent the interests of parents of pupils of compulsory school age at the zone schools, or voluntary sector or community interests, on the New Parks Estate;

(c)one member who appears to them to represent the interests of parents of pupils of compulsory school age at the zone schools, or voluntary sector or community interests, on the Saffron Lane Estate;

(d)one member who appears to them to represent the interests of teachers at zone schools;

(e)not more than six additional co-opted members;

(4) The following words are deleted from Schedule 1:

  • “Leicester TEC, Unit 17, Meridian Business Park, Meridian East, Leicester, LE3 2WZ”, “Leicester Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Commerce House, 4-6 New Street, Leicester, LE1 5NT”, “Philharmonia Orchestra, 76 Great Portland Street, London, W1 6HA” and “Princes Trust, PYBT, Enterprise Centre, Boston Road, Leicester, LE4 1HB”.

(5) The following words are inserted into Schedule 1 after “Leicester City Football Club, Filbert Street, Leicester, LE2”,:

  • “Leicestershire Education Business Company, Meridian East, Meridian Business Park, Leicester, LE3 2WZ”, “Learning and Skills Council, Meridian East, Meridian Business Park, Leicester, LE3 2WZ”, “Advantica Technologies Limited, Asby Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3GR”, “Leicester College, Aylestone Lane, Leicester, LE2 7LW”, “Inglehurst Infants School” and “Inglehurst Junior School”.

(6) The following words are to be deleted from Schedule 2:

  • “Alderman Newton School”, “Mary Linwood School”, “New Parks Community College”, “New Parks House Primary School”, “Rowley Fields Community College”, “Wycliffe Community College”.

(7) The following words are to be inserted into Schedule 2:

(a)after “Marriott Primary School”, the words “New College, Leicester”;

(b)after “Newry Junior School” the words “Parks Primary School”;

(c)after “Queensmead” the words “Riverside Community College”.

Stephen Timms

Minister of State,

Department for Education and Skills

3rd August 2001

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order extends the Leicester Education Zone for a further period of two years. The Order also varies the partners in the zone and the schools which comprise it, and gives the Forum an additional power to remove its members in certain circumstances.


S.I. 1998/1956.