The Detention Centre Rules 2001


Requests and complaints

38.—(1) A request or complaint to the manager, visiting committee or the Secretary of State relating to a detained person’s detention shall be made orally or in writing by the detained person in accordance with such procedures as may be approved by the Secretary of State.

(2) On every day the manager shall hear any requests and complaints that are made to him under paragraph (1).

(3) In the case of a contracted-out detention centre, any complaint involving allegations against any officer at that centre shall be brought to the attention of the contract monitor as soon as possible.

(4) A detained person may make a written request or complaint under paragraph (1) in his own language.

(5) Any written request or complaint made under paragraph (1) may be made in confidence and, if the detained person so wishes, shall be sealed in an envelope with the addressee clearly indicated.