The Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order 2001

Weight and performance of public transport aeroplanes classified as aeroplanes of performance group A or performance group B in their certificates of airworthiness

5.  For the purposes of article 36(1), an aeroplane registered in the Territory in respect of which there is in force under this Order a certificate of airworthiness in which the aeroplane is designated as being of performance group A or performance group B shall not fly for the purpose of public transport unless the weight of the aeroplane at the commencement of the take off run is such that the following conditions are satisfied—

(1) That weight does not exceed the maximum take off weight specified for the altitude and the air temperature at the aerodrome at which the take off is to be made.

(2) The take off run, take off distance and the emergency distance respectively required for take off, specified as being appropriate to—

(a)the weight of the aeroplane at the commencement of the take off run;

(b)the altitude at the aerodrome;

(c)the air temperature at the aerodrome;

(d)the condition of the surface of the runway from which the take off will be made;

(e)the slope of the surface of the aerodrome in the direction of take off over the take off run available, the take off distance available and the emergency distance available, respectively; and

(f)not more than 50 per cent. of the reported wind component opposite to the direction of take off or not less than 150 per cent. of the reported wind component in the direction of take off,

do not exceed the take off run, the take off distance and the emergency distance available, respectively, at the aerodrome at which the take off is to be made; in ascertaining the emergency distance required, the point at which the pilot is assumed to decide to discontinue the take off shall not be nearer to the start of the take off run than the point at which, in ascertaining the take off run required and the take off distance required, he is assumed to decide to continue the take off, in the event of power unit failure.

(3) (a) The net take off flight path with one power unit inoperative, specified as being appropriate to—

(i)the weight of the aeroplane at the commencement of the take off run;

(ii)the altitude at the aerodrome;

(iii)the air temperature at the aerodrome; and

(iv)not more than 50 per cent. of the reported wind component opposite to the direction of take off or not less than 150 per cent. of the reported wind component in the direction of take off,

and plotted from a point 35 feet or 50 feet, as appropriate, above the end of the take off distance required at the aerodrome at which the take off is to be made to a height of 1,500 feet above the aerodrome, shows that the aeroplane will clear any obstacle in its path by a vertical interval of at least 35 feet; and if it is intended that the aeroplane shall change its direction of flight by more than 15° before reaching 1,500 feet the vertical interval shall not be less than 50 feet during the change of direction.

(b)For the purpose of sub-paragraph (a) an obstacle shall be deemed to be in the path of the aeroplane if the distance from the obstacle to the nearest point on the ground below the intended line of flight of the aeroplane does not exceed—

(i)a distance of 60 metres plus half the wing span of the aeroplane plus one eighth of the distance from such point to the end of the take off distance available measured along the intended line of flight of the aeroplane; or

(ii)900 metres,

whichever is the less.

(c)In assessing the ability of the aeroplane to satisfy the condition, it shall not be assumed to make a change of direction of a radius less than the specified radius of steady turn.

(4) (a) Subject to sub-paragraph (b), the aeroplane will, in the meteorological conditions expected for the flight in the event of any one power unit becoming inoperative at any point on its route or on any planned diversion therefrom and with the other power unit or units operating within the maximum continuous power conditions specified, be capable of continuing the flight, clearing by a vertical interval of at least 2,000 feet obstacles within 10 nautical miles either side of the intended track, to an aerodrome at which it can comply with condition (7) relating to an alternate aerodrome, and on arrival over such aerodrome the gradient of the specified net flight path with one power unit inoperative shall not be less than zero at 1,500 feet above the aerodrome; and in assessing the ability of the aeroplane to satisfy this condition it shall not be assumed to be capable of flying at an altitude exceeding the specified maximum permissible altitude for power unit restarting.

(b)Where the operator of the aeroplane is satisfied, taking into account the navigation aids which can be made use of by the aeroplane on the route, that the commander of the aeroplane will be able to maintain his intended track on that route within a margin of five nautical miles, the foregoing provisions of this paragraph shall have effect as if five nautical miles were substituted for 10 nautical miles.

(5) (a) Subject to sub-paragraph (b), in the case of an aeroplane having three or more power units, it will, in the meteorological conditions expected for the flight, in the event of any two power units becoming inoperative at any point along the route or on any planned diversion therefrom more than 90 minutes flying time in still air at the all power units operating economical cruise speed from the nearest aerodrome at which it can comply with condition (7), relating to an alternate aerodrome, be capable of continuing the flight with all other power units operating within the specified maximum continuous power conditions, clearing by a vertical interval of at least 2,000 feet obstacles within 10 nautical miles either side of the intended track to such an aerodrome, and on arrival over such an aerodrome the gradient of the specified net flight path with two power units inoperative shall not be less than zero at 1,500 feet above the aerodrome; and in assessing the ability of the aeroplane to satisfy this condition it shall not be assumed to be capable of flying at an altitude exceeding the specified maximum permissible altitude for power unit restarting.

(b)Where the operator of the aeroplane is satisfied, taking into account the navigation aids which can be made use of by the aeroplane on the route, that the commander of the aeroplane will be able to maintain his intended track on that route within a margin of five nautical miles, the foregoing provisions of this paragraph shall have effect as if five nautical miles were substituted for 10 nautical miles; or

(c)In the case of an aeroplane having two power units and a maximum total weight authorised which exceeds 5,700kg and which is not limited by its certificate of airworthiness to the carriage of less than 20 passengers, it will, in the meteorological conditions expected for the flight, at any point along the route or on any planned diversion therefrom, not be more than 60 minutes flying time at the normal one engine inoperative cruise speed in still air from the nearest aerodrome at which it can comply with condition (7), relating to an alternate aerodome, unless it is flying under and in accordance with the terms of any written permission granted by the Governor to the operator under this regulation; or

(d)In the case of an aeroplane having two power units and a maximum total weight authorised of 5,700 kg or less or in the case of an aeroplane having two power units and a maximum total weight authorised of more than 5,700 kg but which is limited by its certificate of airworthiness to the carriage of less than 20 passengers the aeroplane will, in the meteorological conditions expected for the flight, not be more than 90 minutes flying time in still air at the all power units operating economical cruise speed from the nearest aerodrome at which it can comply with condition (7), relating to an alternate aerodrome.

(6) The landing weight of the aeroplane will not exceed the maximum landing weight specified for the altitude and the expected air temperature for the estimated time of landing at the aerodrome at which it is intended to land and at any alternate aerodrome.

(7) (a) Subject to sub-paragraph (b),

(i)In the case of a turbine-jet powered aeroplane, the landing distance required does not exceed at the aerodrome at which it is intended to land or at any alternate aerodrome, as the case may be, the landing distance available on:

(aa)the most suitable runway for a landing in still air conditions, and

(bb)the runway that may be required for landing because of the forecast wind conditions.

(ii)In the case of an aeroplane powered by turbine propeller or piston engines, the landing distances required, respectively specified as being appropriate to aerodromes of destination and alternate aerodromes, do not exceed at the aerodrome at which it is intended to land or at any alternate aerodrome, as the case may be, the landing distance available on—

(aa)the most suitable runway for a landing in still air conditions, and

(bb)the runway that may be required for landing because of the forecast wind conditions.

(b)If an alternate aerodrome is designated in the flight plan, the specified landing distance required may be that appropriate to an alternate aerodrome when assessing the ability of the aeroplane to satisfy this condition at the aerodrome of destination.

(c)For the purposes of sub-paragraph (a) the landing distance required shall be that specified as being appropriate to—

(i)the landing weight;

(ii)the altitude of the aerodrome;

(iii)the temperature in the specified international standard atmosphere appropriate to the altitude at the aerodrome;

(iv)(aa)a level surface in the case of runways usable in both directions; or

(bb)the average slope of the runway in the case of runways usable in only one direction; and

(v)(aa)still air conditions in the case of the most suitable runway for a landing in still air conditions; and

(bb)not more than 50 per cent. of the forecast wind component opposite to the direction of landing or not less than 150 per cent. of the forecast wind component in the direction of landing in the case of the runway that may be required for landing because of the forecast wind conditions.