



16.  Tilt testing

(a)Tilt testing shall not be carried out on any machines which are permanently installed, freely suspended or Class I machines provided with adjustable levelling devices and one or more level indicating devices.

(b)Machines subject to tilt testing which are submitted with a view to being passed for the first time as fit for use for trade shall be tested as described in subparagraphs (c) to (e) below. An inspector may, at his discretion, carry out tilt testing at other times on machines which are subject to such testing.

(c)The machines shall be tested using each load and weight receptor, where feasible, in association with the indicating or printing device which has the smallest verification scale interval of these devices capable of registering the maximum capacity.

(d)Subject to paragraph 5 of this Schedule, for a Class III or Class IIII machine, having first been adjusted to zero or balanced at no-load in its untilted reference position with all the tare, weight indicating and printing devices set to zero, the indication shall not vary by more than two verification scale intervals when tilted longitudinally and transversely to—

(i)2 parts in 1000; or

(ii)50 parts in 1000, for a machine without any level indicating devices.

(e)Subject to paragraph 5 of this Schedule, for a Class II, Class III or Class IIII machine, having first been adjusted to zero or balanced at no-load with all the tare, weight indicating and printing devices set to zero when tilted longitudinally or transversely to—

(i)1 part in 1000 for a Class II machine;

(ii)2 parts in 1000 for a Class III or Class IIII machine;

(iii)50 parts in 1000 for a machine without any level indicating devices,

the indication shall not vary by more than one verification scale interval when the maximum load is applied.