The Genetically Modified Organisms(Contained Use) Regulations 2000

Emergency plans

20.—(1) Where an assessment carried out pursuant to regulation 6(1) shows that, as a result of any reasonably foreseeable accident—

(a)the health or safety of persons outside the premises in which an activity involving genetic modification is carried on is liable to be seriously affected; or

(b)there is a risk of serious damage to the environment,

the person undertaking that activity shall ensure that, before the activity to which the assessment relates begins, a suitable plan is prepared with a view to securing the health and safety of those persons and the protection of the environment.

(2) Where an assessment carried out pursuant to regulation 7(1) shows that, as a result of any reasonably foreseeable accident, the health or safety of persons outside the premises in which an activity involving genetic modification is undertaken is liable to be seriously affected, the person undertaking that activity shall ensure that, before the activity to which the assessment relates begins, a suitable plan is prepared with a view to securing the health and safety of those persons.

(3) Every emergency plan—

(a)shall include the measures to be taken in the event of an accident to which the plan relates; and

(b)shall be reviewed and, where necessary, revised at suitably regular intervals.

(4) The person undertaking the activity involving genetic modification which is the subject of an emergency plan shall—

(a)inform the emergency services and any body or authority liable to be affected by an accident to which the plan relates of the contents of the plan and of any relevant revisions made in pursuance of paragraph (3); and

(b)make the plan and any such revisions publicly available.