

1.  The provision of–

(a)support and training for the implementation and administration of schemes for financing maintained schools;

(b)training and professional development in management and leadership skills of teachers and those employed in schools as secretaries, bursars and in other administration capacities;

(c)training of head teachers as mentors;

(d)support and training for school governors in management and leadership skills;

(e)support, training, books and equipment to assist schools with the implementation, organisation and delivery of the National Curriculum;

(f)support, training, books and equipment with a view to raising standards of attainment of pupils in the subjects of mathematics, English, science, Welsh, technology, physical education, history, geography, art, music, modern foreign languages and religious education and reducing any difference in such standards of attainment between male and female pupils;

(g)support, training, books and equipment with a view to raising standards of attainment of pupils in General Certificate of Education Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Examinations particularly in science and technology subjects, and reducing any difference in such standards of attainment between male and female pupils;

(h)information and communications technology and equipment, programmes and data, and training for teachers and other school-based staff in the use of such equipment, programmes and data to enhance teaching and learning in all curriculum subjects;

(i)training for school governors and persons employed in schools in the skills required to enable them to set targets, improve development plans and to set objectives for enhanced school performance in all the subjects of the curriculum, and to address any weaknesses identified in a report of an inspection carried out by a member of the Inspectorate or a registered inspector; and

(j)training for persons employed at schools in Wales which is aimed at equipping (or better equipping) them to conduct, or to assist in conducting, acts of religious worship at such schools in accordance with sections 385 and 386 of the 1996 Act.(1).


Sections 385 and 386 are prospectively repealed by paragraph 92 of Schedule 30 to the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 and replaced by section 70 of that Act.