The Prisons and Young Offenders Institutions (Scotland) Amendment Rules 1999

Amendment of rule 86 of the principal Rules

24.—(1) Rule 86 of the principal Rules (admission and searching of visitors) is amended in accordance with paragraph (2) of this rule.

(2) For paragraph (4), there is substituted the following paragraph:–

(4) Without prejudice to the powers conferred by section 41 of the Act, an officer may refuse to admit a visitor and may remove the visitor from the prison where–

(a)that visitor refuses to comply with a request made in terms of paragraph (1);

(b)that visitor refuses to give consent for the purposes of rule 86A(1) or (3) or, having given consent, is obstructive in the course of the relevant search; or

(c)the officer has reasonable grounds for suspecting that the visitor has in his possession or concealed about his person any article which the Governor has not authorised him to convey into the prison or any article which may be prejudicial to security, good order or discipline..