

Applications for recognition as a fund-holding practice

30.—(1) Where the Secretary of State has granted recognition in accordance with regulation 5(2)(1) as a standard fund-holding practice, a community fund-holding practice or a GP commissioning group, but the recognition has not taken effect before 1st April 1999, such recognition (when it takes effect) shall be as a residual fund-holding practice.

(2) Where, by midnight on 31st March 1999, the Secretary of State has neither granted nor refused recognition in respect of any outstanding application for recognition as a standard fund-holding practice or as a community fund-holding practice that outstanding application shall be deemed to be for recognition as a residual fund-holding practice.

(3) In this regulation, “residual fund-holding practice” means a fund-holding practice recognised as from 1st April 1999, in accordance with the principal Regulations as amended by these Regulations.


Regulation 5(2) was substituted by S.I. 1997/1678.