The Education (School Organisation Proposals) (England) Regulations 1999


6.  The following information relating to the proposed school–

(a)the number of year groups;

(b)the capacity of the proposed school; and

(c)where it is intended that the proposed school should provide nursery education–

(i)the number of pupils for whom it is intended that such education is to be provided, and

(ii)the capacity of the accommodation to be provided for nursery education for the school year in which the school will be open and a forecast of those matters for the subsequent four school years.

7.  The following information relating to the proposed accommodation (including temporary accommodation)–

(a)the location of the accommodation;

(b)whether the proposed school is to occupy a single or split site;

(c)how accessible the accommodation will be;

(d)details of general and specialist accommodation (both teaching and non teaching); and

(e)(where relevant) details of accommodation for nursery education.

8.  Where the proposed school is to be established in substitution for an independent school the information referred to in paragraph 7 relating to the accommodation at the independent school.

9.  A statement indicating how the proposal would contribute to enhancing the diversity, quality of education and the extent to which parental preference can be met.

10.  A breakdown of the costs of the establishment of the proposed school together with details of how it is proposed to fund the proposals.

11.—(1) Information as to whether the school will have provision which is recognised by the local education authority as reserved for children with special educational needs and, if so, the nature of such provision and the proposed number of pupils for whom such provision is to be made.

(2) Details of the proposed policy of the school relating to the education of pupils with special educational needs.

12.  Details of the proposed staffing of, and the balance of specialisms at, the proposed school.

13.  Details of how the proposed curriculum at the school will meet the requirements of the basic curriculum (within the meaning of section 352 of the Education Act 1996(1)) and any provision which will be in addition to the basic curriculum.

14.  Where the proposed school is to be a voluntary aided school–

(a)details of the tenure (freehold or leasehold) on which the site of the proposed school will be held, and if the site is to be held on a lease, details of the proposed lease;

(b)details of the trusts on which the site is to be held together with details of any arrangements to secure that, if the proposed school is discontinued or transfers to a new site, the proceeds of sale of the site will be available for use in connection with another maintained school;

(c)the estimated purchase price of the site (and any existing buildings to be used);

(d)the amount of grant under paragraph 5 or 6 of Schedule 3 to the Act in respect of the acquisition of the site for which it is intended that an application should be made.

(e)a breakdown of costs between–

(i)the costs to be borne by the governing body together with the level of grant under paragraph 5 or 6 of Schedule 3 to the Act in respect of those costs for which it is intended that an application shall be made; and

(ii)the costs to be borne by the local education authority, profiled over the expected life of the buildings of the proposed school;

(f)a statement as to whether, as a result of the proposals, premises used for the purposes of another school will no longer be required and if so–

(i)a statement as to whether those premises will be sold, and if so, what is the estimated sale proceeds,

(ii)if those premises are not to be sold, a statement as to the proposed use of the premises;

(g)a statement that the governing body will be able and willing to carry out their obligations under Schedule 3 to the Act;

(h)a statement as to whether the freehold interest in the proposed site is to be held by the trustees of the school and if it is not, details of the ownership of the freehold interest in the site;

(i)a statement as to whether the Secretary of State has indicated that in principle grant will be paid under paragraph 5 or 6 of Schedule to the Act; and

(j)a statement as to whether the proceeds of sale of other premises will be available to the trustees.

15.  Where the proposed school is to be a foundation school a statement as to whether the school–

(a)will have a foundation established otherwise than under the Act;

(b)will belong to a group of schools for which a foundation body acts under section 21 of the Act; or

(c)will not fall within sub-paragraph (a) or (b).

16.  Where the proposed school is to be a foundation or voluntary school which it is proposed should have a religious character, an estimate of the demand in the area for religious education in accordance with the tenets of the religion or religious denomination in question.

17.  Where the proposed school is to be a voluntary or foundation school established in substitution for an independent school–

(a)a statement as to the likely future of the independent school if the proposals are rejected; and

(b)copies of accounts for the independent school for the previous two years.

18.  Where the establishment of the new school involves development for the purpose of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 a statement as to whether planning permission has been obtained and, if it has not been obtained, details of the reason (if known) why such permission has not been obtained.


Section 352 is prospectively amended by paragraph 86 of Schedule 30 to the Act.