The Education (School Premises) Regulations 1999

Regulation 24

SCHEDULE 2playing fields

1.  In this Schedule any reference to a school is a reference to a school to which regulation 24 applies.

2.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), the grassed area of team game playing fields provided for any school shall be such that it can sustain the playing of team games thereon by pupils at the school for 7 hours a week during school terms.

(2) This paragraph shall not apply in relation to so much of team game playing fields as exceeds the minimum area specified in paragraph 3.

3.—(1) The team game playing fields provided for any school shall be of a minimum total area determined (subject to sub-paragraph (2)) in accordance with the following Table by reference to the number of pupils at the school who have attained the age of 8 years and that area shall be the area specified opposite the entry in column (1) of the Table within which that number falls—

(a)in column (2) thereof, in the case of a school with pupils who have not attained the age of 11 years; and

(b)in column (3) thereof, in the case of any other school.

(2) Should the number of pupils at the school who have attained the age of 8 years exceed 1,950, the team game playing fields shall be of a minimum total area equal to the aggregate of—

(a)70,000 m2, in the case of a school mentioned in sub-paragraph (1)(a), or 75,000 m2, in the case of any other school; and

(b)5,000 m2 for each complete 150 by which the said number of pupils exceeds 1,801.


Minimum area of team game playing fields for schools

Minimum total area in m2
Total number of pupils who have attained the age of 8 years (entries to be construed inclusive of both numbers specified)Schools with pupils who have not attained the age of 11 yearsOther schools
100 or fewer2,5005,000
101 to 2005,00010,000
201 to 30010,00015,000
301 to 40015,00020,000
401 to 50020,00025,000
501 to 60025,00030,000
601 to 75030,00035,000
751 to 90035,00040,000
901 to 1,05040,00045,000
1,051 to 1,20045,00050,000
1,201 to 1,35050,00055,000
1,351 to 1,50055,00060,000
1,501 to 1,65060,00065,000
1,651 to 1,80065,00070,000
1,801 to 1,95070,00075,000

(3) For the purposes of this paragraph any part of team game playing fields which has an all weather surface, (that is to say a hard porous surface, a synthetic surface or a polymeric surface) may be treated as if it were twice its actual area.