The Education (School Information) (Wales) Regulations 1999

Regulation 5



1.  The addresses and telephone numbers of the offices of the authority to which enquiries, in respect of primary and secondary education in their area, should be addressed.

2.  The arrangements for parents to obtain the information particularised in Schedule 2 in the case of individual schools maintained by the authority other than special schools.

3.  As respects each such school other than a special school or pupil referral unit–

(a)the name, address and telephone number of the school; and

(b)the expected number of pupils at the school and their age range.

4.  The classification of each such school (other than a pupil referral unit) as–

(a)a community, foundation, voluntary aided, voluntary controlled, community special or foundation special school;

(b)a primary, middle or secondary school;

(c)a comprehensive, secondary modern, grammar or bilateral school;

(d)a co-educational or single-sex school;

(e)a day or boarding school or a school taking both day and boarding pupils;

except that for the purposes of sub-paragraphs (b) and (c) other terminology may be used.

5.  The affiliations, if any, of each such school with a particular religious denomination.

6.—(1) The authority’s general arrangements and policies as respects the use of the Welsh language in schools maintained by them other than foundation or voluntary aided schools–

(a)in the whole or in different parts of the authority’s area;

(b)in all such schools or in different types of schools; and

(c)by pupils of all ages or specific age groups.

(2) Particulars of any exemptions from the National Curriculum in Welsh under sections 363, 364 or 365 of the 1996 Act affecting pupils at schools maintained by them, specifying the nature of the exemption and the schools affected (but not so as to identify individual pupils affected).

7.  The authority’s arrangements for transfer between schools maintained by them, other than special schools and pupil referral units, otherwise than at a normal admission age, including, in particular–

(a)the respective functions of the authority and governing bodies of schools as respects admission on transfer; and

(b)the policy followed in deciding transfers.

8.—(1) The authority’s general arrangements and policies in respect of transport to and from schools (including non-maintained schools attended by pupils whose fees in respect of the education provided for them at the school are paid by the authority) including, in particular–

(a)the provision of free transport;

(b)the carriage on school buses of pupils for whom free transport is not provided; and

(c)the payment in whole or in part of reasonable travelling expenses.

(2) The authority’s general arrangements and policies in respect of transport to and from institutions within the further education sector including, in particular–

(a)the provision of free transport;

(b)the carriage on buses provided by the authority of students for whom free transport is not provided; and

(c)the payment in whole or in part of reasonable travelling expenses.

9.  The authority’s general arrangements and policies in respect of the provision of milk, meals and other refreshment including, in particular, the remission in whole or in part of charges.

10.  The authority’s general arrangements and policies in respect of the provision of school clothing (including uniform and physical training clothes) and the making of grants to defray expenses in respect of such clothing and, in particular, the address from which parents may obtain detailed information as to the assistance which is available and eligibility for it.

11.  The authority’s general arrangements and policies in respect of–

(a)the making of grants to defray expenses (other than those mentioned in paragraphs 8 and 10); and

(b)the granting of allowances in the case of pupils over compulsory school age;

and, in particular, the address from which parents may obtain detailed information as to the assistance which is available and eligibility for it.

12.  The authority’s general policy in respect of the entering of pupils for public examinations.

13.  The authority’s general arrangements and policies in respect of special educational provision for pupils with special educational needs including, in particular, the arrangements for parents to obtain information about the matters mentioned in Part II of this Schedule.

14.  The arrangements for parents and others to obtain copies of and to refer to particulars of the charging and remissions policies determined by the authority under section 457 of the 1996 Act(1).

15.  Changes in respect of any matter mentioned in this Part which it has been determined will be made after the start of the school year to which the information relates.


16.  The authority’s detailed arrangements and policies in respect of–

(a)the identification and assessment of children with special educational needs and the involvement of parents in that process;

(b)the provision made in special schools maintained by them and the use made by them of special schools maintained by other authorities; and

(c)special educational provision provided otherwise than at school.

17.  The authority’s arrangements and policies as respects the use of non-maintained special schools and independent schools in providing for pupils with special educational needs.

18.  The arrangements for parents who consider that their child may have special educational needs to obtain advice and further information.

19.  The authority’s arrangements and policies in respect of transport to and from schools.

20.  The authority’s arrangements and policies for persons who are over compulsory school age but have not attained the age of nineteen years and who attend any institution within the further education sector or any institution outside the further education sector and the higher education sector where a further education funding council has secured provision for such persons under section 4(3) or (5) of the Further and Higher Education Act 1992, in respect of transport to and from those institutions.

21.  The arrangements for parents to obtain the information particularised in Schedule 3 in the case of the special schools used by the authority which are maintained by them or other authorities.

22.  Changes in respect of any matter mentioned in this Part which it has been determined will be made after the start of the school year to which the information relates.


23.  The authority’s general arrangements and policies in respect of the provision of education to which section 19 of the 1996 Act applies (education provided in a pupil referral unit or otherwise than at school).

24.  Particulars of any changes in those arrangements or policies which it has been determined will be made after the start of the school year to which the information relates.

Regulation 8


1.  As respects each school mentioned in the prospectus:

(a)the name, address and telephone number of the school and the name of a person to whom enquiries should be addressed, and

(b)the expected number of pupils at the school and their age range.

2.  The classification of each such school as–

(a)a community, foundation, voluntary controlled or voluntary aided school;

(b)a primary, middle or secondary school;

(c)a comprehensive, secondary modern, grammar or bilateral school;

(d)a co-educational or single-sex school;

(e)a day or boarding school or a school taking both day and boarding pupils;

except that for the purposes of sub-paragraph (b) or (c) other terminology may be used according to usage in the authority.

3.  A summary of the admissions policy determined for the school in relation to each age at which pupils are admitted to the school (including ages above and below compulsory school age).

4.  The affiliations, if any, of each such school with a particular religious denomination.

5.  In the case of each such school which is a secondary school, where information is available–

(a)the number of places for pupils of the normal age of entry to the school which were available at the start of the school year immediately following the reporting school year; and

(b)the number of written applications for places from the start of that year, or (as appropriate) preferences expressed for places at the school pursuant to arrangements made by the relevant authority under section 86(1) of the 1998 Act (or as the case may require section 411(1) of the 1996 Act).

Regulation 10


1.  The name, address and telephone number of the school and the names of the head teacher and of the chairman of the governing body.

2.  The classification of the school as–

(a)a community, foundation, voluntary controlled, voluntary aided, community special or foundation special school;

(b)a primary, middle or secondary school;

(c)a comprehensive, secondary modern, grammar or bilateral school;

(d)a co-educational or single-sex school;

(e)a day or boarding school or a school taking both day and boarding pupils;

except that for the purposes of sub-paragraph (b) or (c) other terminology may be used.

3.  In relation to schools other than special schools, particulars of the admissions policy adopted for the school in relation to each age at which pupils are admitted to the school (including ages above and below compulsory school age).

4.  Where there are specific arrangements for parents who are considering sending their child to the school to visit it, particulars of those arrangements.

5.  In the case of a secondary school or a school (other than a special school) which provides secondary education, where information is available–

(a)the number of places for pupils of the normal age of entry to the school for secondary education which were available at the start of the school year immediately following the reporting school year; and

(b)the number of written applications for such places from the start of that year or (as appropriate) preferences expressed for such places at the school pursuant to arrangements made under section 86(1) of the 1998 Act (or as the case may require section 411(1) of the 1996 Act).

6.—(1) A statement on the curriculum and organisation of education and teaching methods at the school, including details of any special arrangements in the curriculum or otherwise for particular categories of pupils, including those with statements of special educational needs made pursuant to section 324 of the 1996 Act.

(2) A summary of the policy adopted for the school by the governing body in relation to children with special educational needs as it appears from the information published by the governing body under regulations 2 to 4 of the Education (Special Educational Needs) (Information) Regulations 1994(2).

7.  A brief statement on the ethos and values of the school.

8.  Particulars of the manner in which complaints are to be made under arrangements made pursuant to section 409 of the 1996 Act(3).

9.  A summary of the content and organisation of that part of the curriculum relating to sex education (where such education forms part of the secular curriculum of the school).

10.  Particulars of any careers education provided and any arrangements made for work experience for pupils.

11.  A summary of any sporting aims of the school and particulars of the provision made for pupils at the school to participate in sport.

12.—(1) The affiliations, if any, of the school with a particular religion or religious denomination.

(2) Without prejudice to paragraphs 6 and 7, particulars of the religious education provided at the school.

(3) Particulars of any arrangements as respects the exercise by the parent of a pupil of their rights under section 71 of the 1998 Act in relation to the pupil’s attendance at religious worship or education, and of any alternative provision made for the pupils concerned.

(4) Particulars of any determination made by a standing advisory council in respect of the school under section 394 of the 1996 Act(4).

13.  A summary of the charging and remissions policies determined by the governing body of the school under section 457 of the 1996 Act(5).

14.—(1) For the admission school year, the times at which each school session begins and ends on a school day.

(2) The dates of school holidays (including half term holidays) during the admission school year.

15.  Changes in respect of any matter mentioned in the preceding paragraphs which it has been determined will be made after the start of the school year to which the particulars relate.

16.—(1) Subject to paragraph (3), the information specified in Parts I, II and III of Schedule 1 and in Schedule 2 to the Education (School Performance Information) (Wales) Regulations 1998(6) such information being determined in accordance with Regulation 4 of those Regulations.

(2) The averages of pupils at secondary schools and schools (other than special schools) which provide secondary education, in the area of the authority and in Wales of–

(i)their results in public examinations; and

(ii)their rates of, respectively, unauthorised absence and authorised absence,

as set out in the most recent booklet published by, or under arrangements made by, the Secretary of State under section 537(6) of the 1996 Act (referred to in the above mentioned Regulations as “the Document”) containing information provided to him in accordance with those Regulations (or the Regulations revoked by those Regulations) or compiled from such information, covering the area of the authority by which the school is maintained and Wales as a whole.

(3) The information referred to in paragraph (1) need not be given separately for male pupils and female pupils.

17.—(1) Without prejudice to paragraph 6, particulars as to the use of the Welsh language in the school by pupils of all age groups or of different age groups including, in particular–

(a)the use of Welsh as the language in which instruction is given in all or any subjects forming part of the curriculum and, where instruction in any such subject is given in Welsh of the extent, if any, to which alternative instruction in English is available in that subject; and

(b)of the extent, if any, to which Welsh is the normal language of communication at the school.

(2) Particulars of any exemption from the National Curriculum in Welsh under section 363, 364 or 365 of the 1996 Act (but not so as to identify any individual pupils affected).

18.—(1) In the case of a school providing for such pupils, the number of registered pupils who were, in the reporting school year, at or near the end of the final year of the first key stage.

(2) Where the number of such pupils is ten or more, in respect of each of the relevant subjects the percentage of that number who–

(a)were assessed by teacher assessment as having reached each level;

(b)were so assessed as working towards level 1; or

(c)were exempted from assessment under section 364 or 365 of the 1996 Act.

(3) Subject to sub-paragraph (8) where the number of such pupils is ten or more, the information referred to in sub-paragraph (2)(a), (b) and (c) above, but in relation to each of the relevant attainment targets, and specifying the percentage of pupils who were absent from the NC tests.

(4) Where the number of such pupils is less than ten but not less than five, in respect of each of the relevant subjects, the percentage of pupils who were assessed by teacher assessment as having reached level 2 or above.

(5) Subject to sub-paragraph (8), where the number of such pupils is less than ten but not less than five, in relation to each of the relevant attainment targets, the percentage of pupils who were assessed as having reached level 2 or above.

(6) Where the number of such pupils is not less than five, the percentage of that number who were assessed by teacher assessment as having reached level 2 or above in all of the relevant subjects.

(7) Where the number of such pupils is less than five, a statement recording that fact and explaining that the results of assessment are not to be published for reasons of confidentiality.

(8) Where a pupil has been assessed by both teacher assessment and NC tests or tasks the information referred to in sub-paragraphs (3) and (5) shall be given in respect of both types of assessment.

(9) The most recent National Curriculum assessment results published by the Assembly or the Secretary of State for such pupils showing the information referred to in sub-paragraphs (2)(a), (b), (c), (3) and (6), but in relation to Wales as a whole.

19.—(1) In the case of a school providing for such pupils, the number of registered pupils who were, in the reporting school year, at or near the end of the final year of the second key stage.

(2) Subject to sub-paragraph (6), where the number of such pupils is ten or more, in respect of each of the relevant subjects, the percentage of pupils who–

(a)were assessed as having reached each level;

(b)were assessed as working towards level 1; or

(c)were assessed but failed to register any level;

and the percentages of such pupils who, respectively, were exempted from assessment under section 364 or 365 of the 1996 Act, or failed to register a level because they missed the assessment by reason of unauthorised absence.

(3) Subject to sub-paragraph (6), where the number of such pupils is less than ten but not less than five, in respect of each of the relevant subjects, the percentage of pupils who were assessed as having reached level 4 or above.

(4) Subject to sub-paragraph (6), where the number of such pupils is not less than five, the percentage of such pupils who were assessed as having reached level 4 or above in English or Welsh (other than Welsh second language) and in both science and mathematics.

(5) Where the number of such pupils is less than five, a statement recording that fact and explaining that the results of assessment are not to be published for reasons of confidentiality.

(6) Where a pupil has been assessed by both teacher assessment and NC tests or tasks the information referred to in sub-paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) shall be given in respect of both types of assessment.

(7) The most recent National Curriculum assessment results published by the Assembly or the Secretary of State for such pupils showing the information referred to in sub-paragraphs (2) and (4), but in relation to Wales as a whole.

20.—(1) In the case of a school providing for such pupils, the number of registered pupils who were, in the reporting school year, at or near the end of the final year of the third key stage.

(2) Subject to sub-paragraph (6), where the number of such pupils is ten or more, in respect of each of the relevant subjects, the percentage of pupils who–

(a)were assessed as having reached each level;

(b)were assessed as working towards level 1; or

(c)were assessed but failed to register any level; and the percentages of such pupils who respectively, were exempted from assessment under section 364 or 365 of the 1996 Act, or failed to register a level because they missed the assessment by reason of unauthorised absence.

(3) Subject to sub-paragraph (6), where the number of such pupils is less than ten but not less than five, in respect of each of the relevant subjects, the percentage of pupils who were assessed as having reached level 5 or above.

(4) Subject to sub-paragraph (6), where the number of such pupils is not less than five, the percentage of such pupils who were assessed as having reached level 5 or above in English or Welsh (other than Welsh second language) and in both science and mathematics.

(5) Where the number of such pupils is less than five, a statement recording that fact and explaining that the results of assessment are not to be published for reasons of confidentiality.

(6) Where a pupil has been assessed by both teacher assessment and NC tests or tasks the information referred to in sub-paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) shall be given in respect of both types of assessment.

(7) The most recent National Curriculum assessment results published by the Assembly or the Secretary of State for such pupils showing the information referred to in sub-paragraphs (2) and (4), but in relation to Wales as a whole.

21.  For the reporting school year the percentage of pupils aged 15 leaving the school without an approved qualification within the meaning of section 400 of the 1996 Act.

22.  For the reporting school year, the percentage of pupils aged 16, 17 or 18 who achieved an Advanced General National Vocational Qualification or a National Vocational Qualification at level 3.

23.  In the case of a school with registered pupils who were aged 15 or 16 on the 1st September at the commencement of the previous school year, the number of such pupils and the percentage of that number falling within the following categories–

(a)persons pursuing a course at any school or any course of further education;

(b)persons in employment;

(c)persons on a Youth Training Scheme;

(d)persons known to the governing body not to fall within the terms of (a), (b) or (c) above; and

(e)persons whom it is not known by the governing body whether they fall within any of the above categories.

24.  In the case of a maintained school with registered pupils who were aged 17 on the 1st September at the commencement of the previous school year, the number of such pupils, and the percentage of that number falling within the following categories–

(a)persons pursuing a course of further education;

(b)persons pursuing a course of higher education;

(c)persons in employment;

(d)persons known to the governing body not to fall within the terms of (a), (b) or (c) above; and

(e)persons whom it is not known by the governing body whether they fall within any of the above categories.

25.—(1) The number of unauthorised absences and authorised absences in the reporting school year expressed as a percentage of the total number of possible attendances in that year.

(2) For the purposes of this paragraph “the total number of possible attendances” means the number produced by multiplying the number of registered pupils in the school at the beginning of the reporting year by the number of school sessions in that year.


Section 457 is amended by paragraph 122 of Schedule 30 to the 1998 Act.


S.I. 1994/1048.


Section 409 is amended by paragraph 107 of Schedule 30 to the 1998 Act.


Section 394 is amended by paragraph 97 of Schedule 30 to the 1998 Act.


Section 457 is amended by paragraph 122 of Schedule 30 to the 1998 Act.


S.I. 1998/1867.