The Education (School Information) (Wales) Regulations 1999


General information to be published by governing bodies about their school

10.—(1) Subject to regulation 11, the governing body of a school maintained by an authority shall publish as respects that school the information specified in Schedule 3.

(2) Subject to regulation 11, the information shall be published as provided in regulation 12.

Assessment and school attendance information not relating to the reporting school year

11.—(1) This regulation applies where the information relating to the results of assessment and school attendance referred to in paragraphs 18, 19, 20 and 26 of Schedule 3 is not available in time for it to be reasonably practicable to publish the information in accordance with regulation 12.

(2) Where this regulation applies the governing body shall, as soon as practicable after the information in question for the reporting school year is made available to them, and in any event not later than two weeks before the earlier of the two dates referred to in paragraph (3) of regulation 12, publish that information as a supplement to the school prospectus in the manner required by that regulation for the publication of the prospectus.

Time and manner of publication of information by governing bodies about their schools

12.—(1) This regulation applies in relation to the publication by a governing body (or by an authority on their behalf pursuant to section 92(5) of the 1998 Act) of the information specified in Schedule 3.

(2) Such information–

(a)shall be published collectively in the form of a single document to be known as the school prospectus; and

(b)copies of the school prospectus shall be distributed without charge to parents on request and made available at the school for reference by parents and other persons.

(3) Such information and particulars shall be published during the publication school year and, except in the case of a primary school (other than a middle school deemed to be a primary school) or of a special school, not later than six weeks before whichever is the earlier of the following dates–

(a)the date by which an application for admission to that school in respect of the admission school year should be made in accordance with the arrangements for admission to that school; or

(b)the date up to which parents may express a preference for a school in respect of the admission school year.

(4) In the case of a special school the information shall also be published by copies being made available for distribution without charge to parents on request and for reference by parents and other persons at the offices of the authority who maintain the school.