The Local Government Pension Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 1998

Local government reorganisation

134.—(1) The Scheme applies, in relation to a transferred employee, as if his new employment and his former employment had been one continuous employment (but see paragraph (3)).

(2) Transferred employees who are active members immediately before their transfer continue to be active members in their new employment.

(3) Where–

(a)immediately before the transfer of a transferred employee it was the usual practice of the body employing him to exercise any discretionary power exercisable by them by virtue of any enactment relating to pensions so as to pay or increase the payment of allowances or pensions for employees of his description; and

(b)that power or any corresponding one becomes exercisable in relation to him,

the new employing body shall exercise the power in a way which is not less beneficial than the general character of that practice.

(4) A transferred employee is–

(a)a person transferred on or after 16th May 1975 by or under an order or regulations made under the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 which, in accordance with the provisions of section 216 of that Act, contain a provision as to the transfer of that person;

(b)any person appointed by a local authority or a river purification board to hold any office or employment before or as from 16th May 1975 who, but for the appointment, would have been transferred on that day under said section 216;

(c)any person who on 16th May 1975 remained in the employment of the same body as immediately before that day but who, in consequence of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973(1), or anything done under that Act, or of the 1974 Regulations, became on that day entitled to participate in a superannuation fund maintained under those Regulations by a different body from the body which maintained the superannuation fund he was entitled to participate in immediately before that day;

(d)any person transferred on 1st April 1996 by or under an order made under section 8 of the Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994 or that section as extended by section 97 or 137 of that Act;

(e)any person transferred on 1st April 1996 under a scheme under section 22(3) of the Environment Protection Act 1995;

(f)any person who, immediately before 1st April 1996, holds office or employment with a local authority constituted under section 2 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 and is not transferred on that date by or under an order made under section 8 of the Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994, or that section as extended by section 97 or 137 of that Act, or under a scheme under section 22(3) of the Environment Protection Act 1995, but is appointed by a local authority constituted under section 2 of the Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994, a water and sewerage authority established under section 62(1) of that Act, the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration established under section 128 of that Act, the Strathclyde Passenger Transport Authority established under section 40(1) of that Act or the Scottish Environment Protection Agency established under section 20 of the Environment Protection Act 1995 to hold any office or employment with that body, as from 1st April 1996; or

(g)any person who at 1st April 1996 remained in the employment of the same body as immediately before that date but who in consequence of the Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994, or anything done thereunder, or of the 1987 Regulations, became on that date entitled to participate in the benefits of a superannuation fund maintained under those Regulations by a body different from the body which maintained the superannuation fund in the benefits of which he was immediately before 1st April 1996 entitled to participate.

(5) For this regulation, where paragraph (4)(b) or (f) applies, the taking up of the office or employment to which the appointment is made is a transfer for this regulation.