The Local Government Pension Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 1998

Statements of policy concerning abatement of retirement pensions in new employment

109.—(1) Each administering authority must formulate and keep under review their policy concerning abatement (that is, the extent, if any, to which the amount of retirement pension payable to a member from any pension fund maintained by them under the Scheme should be reduced (or whether it should be extinguished) where the member has entered a new employment with a Scheme employer, other than one in which he is eligible to belong to a teachers scheme).

(2) Before formulating that policy an administering authority must consult with the authorities who employ active members for whom they are the appropriate administering authority.

(3) Before the expiry of the period of three months beginning with the commencement date, each authority shall publish a statement as to the policy which is being applied by them where a member who is so entitled enters such a new employment on or after that date.

(4) Where, as a result of reviewing their policy concerning abatement, an administering authority determine to amend it, they must publish a statement of the amended policy before the expiry of the period of one month beginning with the date on which they determine to do so.

(5) In formulating their policy concerning abatement, an administering authority must have regard to–

(a)the level of potential financial gain at which they wish abatement to apply;

(b)the administrative costs which are likely to be incurred as a result of abatement in the different circumstances in which it may occur; and

(c)the extent to which a policy not to apply abatement could lead to a serious loss of confidence in the public service.

(6) In paragraph (5)(a) the reference to financial gain is a reference to the financial gain which it appears to the administering authority may be obtained by a member as a result of his entitlement both to a pension and to pay under the new employment.