

Registration with the designated body

5.—(1) Where—

(a)a person makes a written application to the designated body to register under this regulation, and

(b)the designated body is satisfied that the person falls within regulation 4(1)(c) in relation to any relevant area,

the designated body shall register that person in relation to that area.

(2) The designated body may require an applicant for registration to provide such information or documents as the designated body may determine in order for the designated body to determine whether the person falls within regulation (4)(1)(c) and may decline to accept an application for registration unless such information or documents are provided.

(3) Where a person applies for registration under paragraph (1), registration takes effect on the date on which the designated body notify the applicant that they have determined that the person falls within regulation 4(1)(c).

(4) Where the designated body are satisfied (after making such enquiries as they think fit) that a person no longer falls within regulation 4(1)(c) they shall remove that person from the register on such date as they determine.

(5) Subject to regulation 22(2), if the designated body have given the notification required by regulation 10(1) that a valid petition relating to the area has been received, a person shall not be registered in relation to that area after the date 4 weeks after the date of such notification unless the subsequent ballot is in favour of retaining selective admission arrangements and (where that is the case) until the end of the moratorium period for the area.