The Merchant Shipping (Passenger Ship Construction: Ships of Classes I, II and II(A)) Regulations 1998



79.  This Part applies to all ships, except for regulations 83 and 84 which apply only to ships constructed on or after 1st September 1984.

Guard rails, stanchions and bulwarks

80.  In every ship bulwarks or guard rails shall be provided on every exposed deck to which any passenger or vehicles may have access. Such bulwarks or guard rails, together with stanchions supporting the guard rails shall be so placed, designed and constructed, and in particular shall be of such a height above deck as to prevent any passenger who may have access to that deck or any vehicle from accidentally falling therefrom. Any freeing ports fitted in such a bulwark shall be covered by a grid or bars which will prevent any person from falling through the port.

Anchor handling equipment, anchors and chain cables

81.  Every ship shall be provided with anchor handling equipment together with such anchors and chain cables as are sufficient in number, weight and strength, having regard to the size of the ship. This equipment shall be tested and certificated to the satisfaction of the Certifying Authority.

Hawsers and warps

82.  Every ship shall be provided with such hawsers and warps as are sufficient in number and strength, having regard to the size and intended service of the ship.

Gas welding, flame cutting and domestic fuel installations

83.  In every ship gas welding, flame cutting or domestic gaseous fuel installation shall be designed, constructed and installed so that the safety of the ship and of the persons on board is not impaired.

The use of asbestos

84.  In every such ship asbestos or any material containing asbestos shall not be installed in any part of a ship.