

Inspection of guards and protection devices

33.—(1) Every employer shall ensure that a power press is not used after the setting, re-setting or adjustment of its tools, save in trying out its tools or save in die proving, unless—

(a)its every guard and protection device has been inspected and tested while in position on the power press by a person appointed in writing by the employer who is—

(i)competent; or

(ii)undergoing training for that purpose and acting under the immediate supervision of a competent person,

and who has signed a certificate which complies with paragraph (3); or

(b)the guards and protection devices have not been altered or disturbed in the course of the adjustment of its tools.

(2) Every employer shall ensure that a power press is not used after the expiration of the fourth hour of a working period unless its every guard and protection device has been inspected and tested while in position on the power press by a person appointed in writing by the employer who is—

(a)competent; or

(b)undergoing training for that purpose and acting under the immediate supervision of a competent person,

and who has signed a certificate which complies with paragraph (3).

(3) A certificate referred to in this regulation shall—

(a)contain sufficient particulars to identify every guard and protection device inspected and tested and the power press on which it was positioned at the time of the inspection and test;

(b)state the date and time of the inspection and test; and

(c)state that every guard and protection device on the power press is in position and effective for its purpose.

(4) In this regulation “working period”, in relation to a power press, means—

(a)the period in which the day’s or night’s work is done; or

(b)in premises where a shift system is in operation, a shift.