The Northern Ireland (Sentences) Act 1998 (Sentence Review Commissioners) Rules 1998


5.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), the person concerned may appoint any person to act as his representative.

(2) The following persons may act as a representative of the person concerned only with the consent of the Commissioner:

(a)any person serving a sentence of imprisonment;

(b)any person who is on licence having been released from prison; and

(c)any person with a previous conviction for an imprisonable offence which remains unspent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders (Northern Ireland) Order 1978(1).

(3) Any person liable to be detained under the Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 1986(2) may not act as a representative of the person concerned.

(4) Where the person concerned has not appointed a representative, the Commissioner may, with the consent of the person concerned, appoint an eligible person to act as such.

(5) The Secretary of State may be represented by any person appointed by him for that purpose.

(6) Where a party appoints a new representative or the name, address or occupation of his representative changes, he shall serve written notice giving details of the changes on the Commissioner and on the other party within seven days of his appointing the new representative or becoming aware of the change.