
Inspection of ships and installations

12.—(1) An inspector may inspect any ship to which these Regulations apply in any port in the United Kingdom.

(2) An inspector may investigate any operation regulated by these Regulations if he has clear grounds for believing that the master or crew are not familiar with the ship’s on-board procedures for preventing pollution by garbage.

(3) If the inspector is satisfied, following any such inspection of a ship, that either the master or crew are not familiar with the ship’s on-board procedures for preventing pollution by garbage he shall take such steps as he considers necessary, including detaining the ship, to ensure that the ship does not sail until the situation has been brought into accordance with the requirements of these Regulations.

(4) The Secretary of State may appoint any person, either generally or in relation to a particular case, as an inspector under these Regulations in relation to fixed and floating platforms.

(5) Any person appointed under paragraph (4) above may at all reasonable hours go on board a platform and inspect it for the purpose of seeing that the provisions of these Regulations are duly complied with.