
Article 3


ItemLengths of roadTimes of operationDirection of travel and type of bus laneType of permitted vehicle
1.A10 High Road between a point 23.0 metres south of the south-east kerbline of Seven Sisters Road and a point 7.0 metres south of the aforesaid kerbline.At any time.Northbound with-flow bus lane.



Pedal cycle

Dial-a-ride bus

2.A10 High Road between the junction of the north-west kerbline of Seven Sisters Road and a point 6.0 metres north of the northern flank wall of No. 259 High Road.
3.A10 High Road between the juction of the south-eastern kerbline of Broad Lane and a point 2.0 metres north of the party wall of Nos. 210 and 212 High Road.Southbound with-flow bus lane.