
Determination of attainment by subject: teacher assessment

7.—(1) Subject to article 8, the provisions of this article regulate the aggregation of AT levels of attainment determined by teacher assessment to calculate subject levels of attainment.

(2) In the case of English, a pupil’s level of attainment in the subject shall be the average of his levels in each AT.

(3) In the case of Welsh a pupil’s level of attainment in the subject shall be the average of his levels in each AT, weighted by the following factors—

(4) In the case of mathematics, a pupil’s level of attainment in the subject shall be the average of his levels in each AT but with his level in AT2 (number and algebra) weighted by a factor of two.

(5) In the case of science, a pupil’s level of attainment in the subject shall be the average of his level in each AT but with his level in AT1 (experimental and investigative science) weighted by a factor of two.