The Animals and Animal Products (Examination for Residues and Maximum Residue Limits) Regulations 1997

Prohibition of possession or slaughter of animals and of processing

8.—(1) No person shall slaughter or otherwise be in possession on a farm of an animal intended for use for human consumption to which there has been administered, which contains, or in which the presence has been established of, any beta-agonist or hormonal substance.

(2) No person shall process the meat of an animal intended for human consumption where that animal contains or the presence in has been established of, or to which there has been administered, any beta-agonist or hormonal substance.

(3) Any animal slaughtered or in the possession of a person on a farm which is commonly slaughtered or possessed for use for human consumption shall be presumed, until the contrary is proven, to have been slaughtered or possessed for such use and an animal commonly used for human consumption from which meat is processed shall be presumed, until the contrary is proven, to be an animal for such use.