
Statutory Instruments

1996 No. 969


The Regional Health Authorities (Transfer of Trust Property) Amendment Order 1996


28th March 1996

Laid before Parliament

29th March 1996

Coming into force

1st April 1996

The Secretary of State for Health, in exercise of powers conferred on him by paragraph 3(1) of Schedule 2 to the Health Authorities Act 1995(1) and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, hereby makes the following Order:

Citation, commencement and interpretation

1.—(1) This Order may be cited as the Regional Health Authorities (Transfer of Trust Property) Amendment Order 1996 and shall come into force on 1st April 1996 immediately before the coming into force of the principal Order.

(2) In this Order, “the principal Order” means the Regional Health Authorities (Transfer of Trust Property) Order 1996(2).

Amendment of principal Order

2.  In columns (1) and (2) in Part II of Schedule 7 to the principal Order (transfer of trust property from West Midlands Regional Health Authority)—

(a)the entries relating to the Solihull Health Authority shall be omitted; and

(b)for the entries relating to the Birmingham Heartlands National Health Service Trust(3) there shall be substituted the following entries:—

Birmingham Heartlands and Solihull (Teaching) National Health Service Trust(4)4.86%

Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Health

John Horam

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State

Department of Health

28th March 1996

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order amends the Regional Health Authorities (Transfer of Trust Property) Order 1996 (“the principal Order”) which transfers to certain Health Authorities, Special Health Authorities and National Health Service trusts the property held on trust by Regional Health Authorities immediately before their abolition on 1st April 1996.

This Order substitutes in Schedule 7 to the principal Order (which is concerned with the transfer of trust property held by the West Midlands Regional Health Authority) a reference to the Birmingham Heartlands and Solihull (Teaching) National Health Service Trust (which is to be established on 1st April 1996) for the references to the Solihull Health Authority and to the Birmingham Heartlands National Health Services Trust (which is to be dissolved on that date).


S.I. 1996/666.


See S.I. 1996/882.


See S.I. 1996/883.