The Residential Establishments – Child Care (Scotland) Regulations 1996

Precautions against fire and accident

9.—(1) The managers shall, in consultation with the fire authority for the area in which any residential establishment they provide is situated, ensure that adequate precautions are taken against fire and shall review such precautions at suitable intervals having regard to any recommendations they may receive at any time from the fire authority.

(2) The managers shall make arrangements to ensure that by means of drills and practices the staff of residential establishments provided by them and, as far as practicable, children resident there are adequately trained and instructed in procedures to be followed in the event of fire.

(3) The managers shall ensure that adequate precautions are taken against the occurrence of other forms of accident in a residential establishment and that the staff and, as far as practicable, children resident there are acquainted with such precautions.