

2.—(1) In this Order, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them:—

“the Act” means the Light Railways Act 1896;

“the Company” means WyvernRail Limited, a Company incorporated under the Companies Act 1985(1) and having its registered office at 324 Manchester Road, West Timperley, Altrincham, Cheshire;

“the Company’s Railway” means the Railway, or part thereof, authorised to be maintained and worked by the Company as a light railway pursuant to article 3 below;

“Decision Point” means the point on a user-worked crossing or footpath crossing where guidance on crossing safely is visible and a decision to cross or wait can be made in safety;

“Grid Reference” means an Ordnance Survey Grid Reference;

“the lease” means any lease granted under paragraph (1) of article 3 below, any extension of the same or any new lease granted under any statutory powers or provisions;

“the operative date” means the day on which the Railway or any part thereof is vested in the Company pursuant to the lease;

“Railtrack” means Railtrack PLC, a company incorporated under the Companies Act 1985 and having its registered office at 40 Bernard Street, London WC1N 1BY;

“the Railway” means the railway of Railtrack described in Schedule 1 below and includes all the lands and works relating thereto;

“Sighting Distance” means the distance measured along the Railway from a Decision Point to the point at which an approaching train becomes visible in any direction from which a train may approach;

“Warning Time” means the shortest possible time for trains to travel the Sighting Distance or, where whistle boards are provided, the shortest time between the sound being heard at the crossing and the train arriving at the crossing.

(2) In this Order, all distances, lengths, measurements and directions stated in any description of works, powers or lands shall be construed as if the words “or thereabouts” were inserted after each such distance, length, measurement and direction, and distances between points on a railway shall be taken to be measured along the railway.