(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order partially revokes the Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Oil and Chemical Pollution of Fish and Plants) Order 1996 (“the principal Order”) which contained emergency prohibitions on various activities in order to prevent human consumption of food rendered unsuitable for that purpose by virtue of edible plants, edible seaweed and fish having been affected by oil and other chemical pollutants.

This partial revocation provides that the emergency prohibitions contained in the principal Order shall not apply to the part of the area designated by that Order known as the Three Rivers Estuary (article 2).

Maps showing the area which remains designated by the principal Order and the area derestricted by this Order are available for inspection during normal office hours at the offices of the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food at 5, Hamilton Terrace, Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire SA73 2AL and at the offices of the Welsh Office Agriculture Department at Cathays Park, Cardiff CF1 3NQ.