


FORM 10Form of petition by heir of an heir for completion of title under section 10 of the Conveyancing (Scotland) Act 1874

The Petition of [AB] (design)

1.  The late [CD] (design) died intestate at (place) on or about (date) vest and seised in [or in a share (eg one-half pro indiviso) of] ALL AND WHOLE

2.  On [CD's] death he was succeeded by [EF] (design), the eldest son ever born to [CD] as his heir in the subjects specified above.

(NOTE: if relatives nearer in the line of succession have predeceased [CD], dispose of them and their issue thus:– On [CD's] death he was succeeded by [EF] (design), the second eldest son ever born to [CD] as his heir in the subjects, [X] the eldest son ever born to [CD] having predeceased [CD] without issue).

3.  [EF] died on or about (date) unserved and uninfeft and having only a personal right to the subjects [or to a share (eg one-half pro indiviso) of the subjects] and was succeeded by the petitioner, the eldest son ever born to [EF] [or otherwise as above], as his nearest lawful heir in the subjects specified above.