The A406 Trunk Road (Ealing and Hounslow) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1996

Statutory Instruments

1996 No. 1088


The A406 Trunk Road (Ealing and Hounslow) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1996


11th April 1996

Coming into force

22nd April 1996

The Traffic Director for London, in accordance with a direction given to him by the Secretary of State for Transport under section 58(1) of the Road Traffic Act 1991(1) and in exercise of the powers conferred on the Secretary of State by sections 9 and 10 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984(2), and of all other enabling powers, hereby makes the following Order:—

Commencement and citation

1.  This Order may be cited as the A406 Trunk Road (Ealing and Hounslow) Red Route Experimental Traffic Order 1996, and shall come into force on 22nd April 1996.


2.  In this Order—

(a)a reference to an article or a schedule followed by a number is a reference to the article of, or the schedule to, this Order so numbered;

(b)“carriageway” has the same meaning as in section 329(1) of the Highways Act 1980(3);

(c)causing includes permitting;

(d)“disabled person”, “disabled person’s badge” and “disabled person’s vehicle” have the same meanings as in regulation 2(1) of the Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Exemptions for Disabled Persons) (England and Wales) Regulations 1986(4), and “relevant position” in relation to a disabled person’s badge has the same meaning as in regulation 2A of those regulations;

(e)“the trunk road red route” means the lengths of road specified in column (2) of the table in schedule 1;

(f)“vehicle” includes part of a vehicle; and

(g)an entry in column (3), (4) or (5) of an item in a schedule to this order applies to that column in subsequent items in that schedule.

General prohibition of stopping

3.—(1) Subject to the provisions of paragraphs (2) and (3) of this article, and of articles 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, no person shall cause any vehicle to stop in the trunk road red route during the restricted hours.

(2) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (3) of this article, and of articles 5(1), 5(2), 8 and 9, no person shall cause any vehicle to stop at any time in any lengths of the trunk road red route specified in schedule 4.

(3) The controls specified in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this article do not apply in respect of any area of the trunk road red route specified in schedule 2A.

(4) In this article “the restricted hours” means, in relation to a length of the trunk road red route specified in an item in column (2) of the table in schedule 1, the hours specified in that item in column (3) of that table.

(5) In so far as the provisions of paragraph (1) of this article relate to a length of road to which paragraph (2) of this article also relates, the provisions of paragraph (2) shall prevail.

Exemptions for parking

4.  The controls specified in article 3(1) do not apply in respect of a person causing a vehicle to be parked at the edge of the carriageway on a length of road specified in an item in column (2) of the table in schedule 2B during the hours specified in column (3) in that item for a period not exceeding the period specified in column (4) in that item, provided that not less than the period specified in column (5) in that item has elapsed since the vehicle was last parked on any part of the same length of road.

Miscellaneous exemptions for parking

5.—(1) Licensed taxi cabs: The controls specified in article 3(1) and (2) do not apply in respect of a person causing a vehicle being used under a licence under section 6 of the Metropolitan Public Carriage Act 1869(5) to be parked at the edge of the carriageway on a length of road specified in schedule 2D.

(2) Coaches: The controls specified in article 3(1) do not apply in respect of a person causing a motor vehicle constructed or adapted to carry more than 8 passengers (exclusive of the driver) or a local bus (as defined in article 8(4)) not so constructed or adapted, to be parked at the edge of the carriageway on a length of road specified in an item in column (2) of the table in schedule 2E during the hours specified in column (3) in that item for a period not exceeding the period specified in column (4) in that item, provided that not less than the period specified in column (5) in that item has elapsed since the vehicle was last parked on any part of the same length of road.

(3) Doctors' vehicles: The controls specified in article 3(1) do not apply in respect of a person causing a vehicle to be parked at the edge of the carriageway on a length of road specified in an item in column (2) of the table in schedule 2F during the hours specified in column (3) in that item, provided that—

(a)there is displayed in the windscreen of the vehicle a badge issued by, or with the authority of, the Traffic Director for London to a medical practitioner, and which specifies—

(i)the name of the person to whom it was issued, and

(ii)the premises in relation to which it applies; and

(b)the vehicle was parked by, or with the permission of, the person whose name is specified on the badge and for so long only as the person who parked the vehicle is engaged in work at the premises specified on the badge.

(4) Solo motor bicycles: The controls specified in article 3(1) do not apply in respect of a person causing a motor bicycle without a side-car to be parked at the edge of the carriageway on a length of road specified in an item in column (2) of the table in schedule 2G during the hours specified in column (3) in that item.

Exemptions for loading and unloading

6.  The controls specified in article 3(1) do not apply in respect of a person causing a vehicle which is being loaded or unloaded to stop at the edge of the carriageway on a length of road specified in an item in column (2) of the tables in schedules 3A and 3B during the hours specified in column (3) in that item for as long as is needed to load or unload the vehicle or 20 minutes, whichever is the less, provided that not less than 20 minutes had elapsed since the vehicle was last parked on any part of the same length of road.

Exemptions for disabled persons

7.—(1) The controls specified in article 3(1) do not apply in respect of a person causing a vehicle which displays a disabled person’s badge in the relevant position to park at the edge of the carriageway on a length of road specified in an item in column (2) of the table in schedule 2B during the hours specified in column (3) in that item.

(2) The controls specified in article 3(1) do not apply in respect of a person causing vehicle which displays a disabled person’s badge in the relevant position to park at the edge of the carriageway on a length of road specified in an item in column (2) of the table in schedule 2C during the hours specified in column (3) in that item.

(3) The controls specified in article 3(1) do not apply in respect of a person causing a vehicle which displays a disabled person’s badge in the relevant position, and a parking disc on which is shown the time at which the period of parking began, to park at the edge of the carriageway on a length of road specified in an item in column (2) of the table in schedule 3A during the hours specified in column (3) in that item, for a period of up to 3 hours not being a period separated by an interval of less than 1 hour from a previous period when that vehicle was parked in that length of road.

Exemptions at bus stops and stands

8.—(1) The controls specified in article 3(1) and (2) do not apply in respect of a person causing a vehicle to which this article applies to stop at a bus stop (being an area of road bounded by a traffic sign which includes the words “bus stop”) for so long only as may be required to enable passengers to get on or off the vehicle or, in the case of a vehicle being used to provide a local service, for so long only as may be required for a change of crew.

(2) The controls specified in article 3(1) and (2) do not apply in respect of a person causing a vehicle being used to provide a local service to stop at a bus stand (being an area of road bounded by a traffic sign which includes the words “bus stand”) for so long only as may be required for timetabling reasons.

(3) This article applies—

(a)before 1 January 1997 to

(i)a public service vehicle used for the provision of a local service or a scheduled express service,

(ii)a school bus, and

(iii)a works bus; and

(b)after 31 December 1996 to

(i)a motor vehicle constructed or adapted to carry more than 8 passengers (exclusive of the driver), and

(ii)a local bus not so constructed or adapted.

(4) In this article “local bus”, “local service”, “scheduled express service”, “school bus” and“works bus” have the meanings given to those expressions in regulation 4 of the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 1994(6).

Other exemptions

9.—(1) The controls specified in article 3(1) and (2) do not apply in respect of a person causing a vehicle to stop if that person is—

(a)required by law to cause the vehicle to stop or not to proceed;

(b)obliged to stop the vehicle so as to avoid an accident;

(c)prevented from proceeding in the vehicle by circumstances beyond the person’s control;

(d)getting or giving help in consequence of an accident or an emergency, or otherwise taking action for public safety;

(e)opening or closing a gate or other barrier at the entrance to premises to which the vehicle is being driven or from which it has emerged if it is not reasonably practicable to cause the vehicle to stop elsewhere for the purpose;

(f)using the vehicle for fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes;

(g)using the vehicle in connection with the removal of any obstruction to traffic;

(h)using the vehicle in connection with the maintenance, improvement or reconstruction of any length of road specified in schedule 1;

(i)using the vehicle under a licence under section 6 of the Metropolitan Public Carriage Act 1869 to stop for so long only as may be required to enable a passenger to get on or off the vehicle; or

(j)using a disabled person’s vehicle which displays a disabled person’s badge in the relevant position to stop for so long only as may be required to enable a disabled person to get on or off the vehicle.

(2) The controls specified in article 3(1) and (2) do not apply in respect of a vehicle which bears the Royal Mail livery which is waiting at the edge of a carriageway for as long as may be necessary for the purpose of collecting or delivering letters in pursuance of any statutory duty of the Post Office to collect or deliver letters.

(3) The controls specified in article 3(1) and (2) do not apply to anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden.

Power to modify or suspend this Order

10.  If it appears to the Traffic Director for London, or some person authorised by him, essential in the interests of the expeditious, convenient and safe movement of traffic, or of the provision of suitable and adequate parking facilities on the highway, or for preserving or improving the amenities of the area through which any road affected by this Order runs, and after consulting with the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, he may modify or suspend any provision of this Order, save that no modification shall make an addition.

Suspension of existing Orders

11.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2) of this article, the Greater London Council Traffic Management Order 1977 No.642, the Hounslow (Waiting and Loading Restrictions) Order 1977 and the Ealing (Waiting and Loading Restrictions) Order 1977 are hereby suspended, in so far as their provisions relate to any part of the trunk road red route.

(2) The suspension specified in paragraph (1) of this article shall take effect in respect of any provision contained in the Greater London Council Traffic Management Order 1977 No.642, the Hounslow (Waiting and Loading Restrictions) Order 1977 and the Ealing (Waiting and Loading Restrictions) Order 1977 only from the time at which the traffic sign indicating the effect of that provision has been obliterated.

Signed in accordance with a direction from the Secretary of State for Transport.

Derek Turner

Traffic Director for London

11 April 1996

Articles 2 and 3(1)

SCHEDULE 1The Trunk Road Red Route.


ItemLength of RoadRestricted Hours
1.Gunnersbury Avenue, between its junction with Hanger Lane and Uxbridge Road, Ealing Common and the roundabout at the junction of Gunnersbury Avenue, Chiswick High Road and Great West Road, known as Chiswick Roundabout7am–7pm Monday–Saturday Inclusive
2.Hanger Lane, the main trunk road, between its southernmost junction with the Hanger Lane Gyratory System and its junction with Uxbridge Road, Ealing Common, and Gunnersbury Avenue.
3.Hanger Lane Gyratory System, those lengths of highway in the London Borough of Ealing comprised in the gyratory system situated at or adjacent to the junctions of Hanger Lane, North Circular Road, Twyford Abbey Road and Western Avenue.
4.North Circular Road, between its junction with the Hanger Lane Gyratory System and the common boundary of 11 and 12 Beechwood Gardens, North Circular Road.
5.The roundabout at the junction of Gunnersbury Avenue, Chiswick High Road and Great West Road, known as Chiswick Roundabout.

Article 3(3)

SCHEDULE 2AAreas of the trunk road red route to which the prohibitions and restrictions specified in article 3(1) and (2) do not apply.


ItemLength of Road
No items.

Articles 4 and 7(1)

SCHEDULE 2BLengths of the trunk road red route on which there are exemptions for parking and disabled persons' vehicles.


ItemLength of RoadRestricted HoursMaximum Period of ParkingMinimum Interval
No Items.

Article 7(2)

SCHEDULE 2CLengths of the trunk road red route on which there are exemptions for parking by disabled persons' vehicles only.


ItemLength of RoadRestricted Hours
No items.

Article 5(1)

SCHEDULE 2DLengths of the trunk road red route on which there are exemptions for licensed taxi cabs only.


ItemLength of Road
No items.

Article 5(2)

SCHEDULE 2ELengths of the trunk road red route on which there are exemptions for coaches only.


ItemLength of RoadRestricted HoursMaximum Period of ParkingMinimum Interval
1.Gunnersbury Avenue, the south-west side, between a point 3.5 metres south-east of the common boundary of 13 and 15 Gunnersbury Avenue and a point 13.5 metres south-east of that common boundary.At all timesPassenger boarding and alighting onlyNone

Article 5(3)

SCHEDULE 2FLengths of the trunk road red route on which there are exemptions for doctors' vehicles.


ItemLength of RoadRestricted Hours
No items.

Article 5(4)

SCHEDULE 2GLengths of the trunk road red route on which there are exemptions for solo motor bicycles only.


ItemLength of RoadRestricted Hours
No items.

Articles 6 and 7(3)

SCHEDULE 3ALengths of the trunk road red route on which there are exemptions for loading or unloading and for disabled persons' vehicles.


ItemLength of RoadRestricted Hours
No items.


SCHEDULE 3BLengths of the trunk road red route on which there are exemptions for loading or unloading.


ItemLength of RoadRestricted Hours
No items.

Article 3(2)

SCHEDULE 4Lengths of the trunk road red route on which stopping is prohibited at all times.


ItemLength of Road
1.Gunnersbury Avenue, between its junction with Hanger Lane and Uxbridge Road, Ealing Common and the roundabout at the junction of Gunnersbury Avenue, Chiswick High Road and Great West Road, known as Chiswick Roundabout.
2.Hanger Lane, the main trunk road, between its southernmost junction with the Hanger Lane Gyratory System and its junction with Uxbridge Road, Ealing Common, and Gunnersbury Avenue.
3.Hanger Lane Gyratory System, those lengths of highway in the London Borough of Ealing comprised in the gyratory system situated at or adjacent to the junctions of Hanger Lane, North Circular Road, Twyford Abbey Road and Western Avenue.
4.North Circular Road, between its junction with the Hanger Lane Gyratory System and the common boundary of 11 and 12 Beechwood Gardens, North Circular Road.
5.The roundabout at the junction of Gunnersbury Avenue, Chiswick High Road and Great West Road, known as Chiswick Roundabout.

S.I. 1986/178 as amended by S.I. 1991/2709.


S.I. 1994/1519.