

Transport documentation

13.—(1) The occupier of any licensed premises, cold store or re-wrapping centre shall ensure that wild game meat intended for consignment to a relevant EEA State shall be accompanied during transportation from the premises by—

(a)in the case of wild game meat which—

(i)is obtained from licensed premises, a cold store or a re-wrapping centre situated in a region or area subject to a prohibition or restriction under the Animal Health Act 1981; or

(ii)will be transported through a third country in a sealed vehicle,

the veterinary health certificate set out in Schedule 11; and

(b)in any other case, by an invoice or delivery note containing the following information:

(i)the name and address of the consignor and the consignee;

(ii)the approval number of the premises, cold store or re-wrapping centre from which the wild game meat is to be transported;

(iii)the date of issue of such delivery note or invoice and a number enabling it to be identified;

(iv)a description of the product transported;

(v)the total quantity despatched;

(vi)in the case of frozen wild game meat, the month and year of freezing; and

(vii)the information provided for in paragraph 1 of Schedule 7.

(2) The occupier of any licensed premises shall ensure that unskinned large wild game carcases intended for consignment to a relevant EEA State are accompanied during transportation from the premises by—

(a)in the case of an unskinned large wild game carcase which—

(i)is obtained from licensed premises situated in a region or area subject to a prohibition or restriction under the Animal Health Act 1981; or

(ii)will be transported through a third country in a sealed vehicle,

the veterinary health certificate set out in Schedule 11; and

(b)in any other case, by the veterinary health certificate set out in Schedule 10.