This Statutory Instument has been made in consequence of defects in S.I. 1994/693 and is being issued free of charge to all known recipients of that Statutory Instrument.

Statutory Instruments

1994 No. 2765


The Housing Renovation etc. Grants (Prescribed Forms and Particulars) (Welsh Forms and Particulars) (Amendment) Regulations 1994


24th October 1994

Laid before Parliament

17th November 1994

Coming into force

9th December 1994

The Secretary of State for Wales, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by sections 102(2) and (4), 137(2), 138(1)(1), 190(1) and 191(1) of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989(2) as extended by section 26(3) of the Welsh Language Act 1993(3) and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, hereby makes the following Regulations:—

Citation and commencement

1.  These Regulations may be cited as the Housing Renovation etc. Grants (Prescribed Forms and Particulars) (Welsh Forms and Particulars) (Amendment) Regulations 1994 and shall come into force on 9th December 1994.

Amendments to the Principal Regulations

2.  Schedule 1 to the The Housing Renovation etc. Grants (Prescribed Forms and Particulars) (Welsh Forms and Particulars) Regulations 1994(4) is amended as follows:—

(a)paragraph E of page 2 shall be amended by adding the word ‘mlwydd’ after the number ‘10’;

(b)in paragraph F of page 2 for the words ‘yn unig … teulu’ there shall be substituted the words ‘yn unig neu'n brif breswylfan i chi neu i aelod o'ch teulu’;

(c)in paragraph H of page 2 for the word ‘prydles’ there shall be substituted the words ‘rhydd–ddaliad’.

(d)paragraph 3.9 of page 7 shall be amended by adding the word ‘felly’ after the word ‘chofrestru’;

(e)paragraph 3.16 of page 8 and paragraph 3.14 of page 50 shall be amended by deleting the first reference to ‘hefyd’;

(f)paragraph 3.22 of page 9, paragraph 3.22 of page 30 and paragraph 3.20 of page 50 shall be amended by adding the words ‘ond wedi peidio a'i gofrestru felly’ after the second reference to the word ‘ddall’;

(g)paragraph 3.49 of page 13, paragraph 3.49 of page 35 and paragraph 3.47 of page 55 shall be amended by adding the word ‘parod’ after the words ‘cynilion mewn arian’;

(h)paragraph 15 of page 18 shall be amended where the words ‘brif breswylfan’ first appear by adding ‘yr ymgeisydd’ after the words ‘brif breswylfan’;

(i)in paragraph 27 of page 19 for the words ‘na fuoch’ there shall be substituted the word ‘ydych’.

(j)paragraphs 33 and 43 of page 20 shall be amended by adding the word ‘diwethaf’ after the words ‘pum wythnos’;

(k)paragraph E of page 23 shall be amended by adding the words ‘bod bwriad’ before the words ‘i'r annedd’. There shall also be deleted therein the words ‘, neu rhaid bod bwriad iddo fod,’;

(l)the final sentence of paragraph 7 of page 38 shall be deleted;

(m)in paragraph I of page 44 and paragraph 2.3 of page 47 for the word ‘rhyddfraint’ there shall be substituted the word ‘rhydd–ddaliad’;

(n)in paragraph 1.9 of page 46 for the word ‘i'r’ there shall be substituted the words ‘i unrhyw ran o'r’;

(o)in paragraph 2.2 of page 47 for the word ‘ie’ there shall be substituted the word ‘ydwyf’, and for the word ‘nage’ there shall be substituted the words ‘nac ydwyf’;

(p)in paragraph 2.10 of page 47 for the word ‘ydyf’ there shall be substituted ‘ydwyf’;

(q)paragraph 13 of page 59 shall be amended by adding the words ‘ar wahân’ after the word ‘prydlesol’;

(r)in paragraph 17 of page 59 for the words ‘Hwyrach yr hoffech amgau’, there shall be substituted the word ‘Amgaewch’;

(s)in paragraph 1.3 of page 65 for the words ‘unrhyw gais blaenorol am grant’ there shall be substituted the words ‘cais blaenorol am unrhyw grant’;

(t)in paragraph 9 of page 70 for the words from ‘tŷ’ to the end of the sentence there shall be substituted the words ‘aml–ddaliadaeth. Dylech holi'r Cyngor ynglŷn â hyn’;

(u)in paragraph 16 of page 71 the word ‘mae’ shall be deleted. For the word ‘yn’ before the word ‘rhywun’ there shall be substituted the word ‘yw’;

(v)paragraph 20 of page 71 shall be amended by adding the word ‘yr’ before the word ‘elusen’;

(w)in paragraph 24 for the words ‘Gall fod o gymorth i chi’ there shall be substituted the word ‘Dylech’;

(x)paragraphs 25 and 26 shall be amended by deleting the final sentence from paragraph 26 and adding it on to the end of paragraph 25.

Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Wales

Rod Richards

Parliamentary Under–Secretary of State, Welsh Office

24th October 1994

Explanatory Note

(Nid yw'r nodyn hwn yn rhan o'r Rheoliadau)

Pennodd y Rheoliadau Grantiau Adnewyddu Tai etc. (Ffruflenni a Manylion Penodedig Cymraeg) 1994 fersiynau Cymraeg o ffurflenni a pennwyd gan y Rheoliadau Grantiau Adnewyddu Tai etc (Ffurflenni a Manylion Penodedig) 1994. Mae'r Rheoliadau hyn yn cael eu gwneud i gywiro diffygion yn y Rheoliadau Cymraeg.

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

The Housing Renovation etc. Grants (Prescribed Forms and Particulars) (Welsh Forms and Particulars) Regulations prescribed Welsh versions of forms prescribed by the Housing Renovation etc. Grants (Prescribed Forms and Particulars) Regulations 1994. These Regulations are made to correct defects in the Welsh Regulations.