

Gyro compass performance standards

16.  Every gyro compass installation required to be provided shall comply with the performance standard adopted by the Organisation and shall, in the case of a United Kingdom ship, comply with the relevant performance standard.

Siting of gyro compass installation

17.—(1) The master compass shall be installed with its fore-and-aft datum line parallel to the ship’s fore-and-aft datum line to within ±0.5°.

(2) The compass card of the master compass, or a repeater of the heading information, shall be sited so that it is clearly readable by the helmsman when steering the ship.

(3) Where provided, repeaters used for taking visual bearing shall be installed with their fore-and-aft datum lines parallel to the ship’s fore-and-aft datum line to within ±0.5°,

(4) The master compass shall be sited so as to avoid, where practicable, excessive errors being caused to the gyro compass installation due to the ship rolling, pitching or yawing.

(5) Where in a gyro compass installation fitted on or after 1st September 1984, failure of one repeater could cause an error in any other repeater a readily accessible means shall be provided for isolating each repeater output from the master compass.

Provision of gyro repeaters

18.  On ships of 1600 tons or over a gyro repeater or gyro repeaters shall be provided and shall be suitably placed for taking bearings as nearly as practicable over an arc of the horizon of 360°.