The Education (Teachers) Regulations 1993

15.  Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 14, a recommendation shall include—

(1) a statement by the recommending body that the person named in the recommendation—

(a)is in their opinion a suitable person to be a teacher; and

(b)has attained in English and mathematics the standard required to obtain Grade C in the General Certificate of Secondary Education; and

(c)has successfully completed either—

(i)a first degree course in education at a university or equivalent educational institution outside England and Wales; or

(ii)a first degree course at a university or equivalent educational institution in England or Wales or elsewhere, and a post-graduate course of initial training for teachers in schools at a university or equivalent educational institution outside England and Wales (whether or not the same institution); and

(d)has been employed for not less than one year as a teacher or lecturer in a school, independent school, institution or university or other educational establishment either in England or Wales or elsewhere and was not dismissed on grounds other than redundancy;

(2) particulars of the training proposed to be given to the overseas trained teacher;

(3) particulars of the post in which the overseas trained teacher is to be employed or, where the recommending body is a local education authority or is acting with the consent of a local education authority, particulars of his first post or of the posts between which his time will intitially be divided, including—

(a)the name of the school or schools at which he is to be employed;

(b)the age range of the pupils he is to teach;

(c)any subject in which he is to specialise;

(d)a statement as to whether the teacher is to be employed full-time or part-time and in the latter case his normal working hours.