The Mines (Shafts and Winding) Regulations 1993

Equipment of shaft and inspection, examination and maintenance of shaft and fixtures

5.—(1) The owner shall ensure that each shaft is so equipped that, so far as is reasonably practicable, it is safe to use.

(2) So far as is reasonably practicable, the owner shall provide suitable winding apparatus in any shaft through which a person travels.

(3) The manager shall ensure that each shaft is so maintained that, so far as is reasonably practicable, it is safe to use.

(4) (a) In order to maintain the shaft and its fixtures in a safe condition the manager shall appoint sufficient competent persons to inspect and to examine each shaft and its fixtures at suitable intervals of time, and to carry out such maintenance as is necessary.

(b)The written statement summarising the responsibilities and authority of any competent person mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph shall—

(i)include details of the frequency of the inspections or examinations and of the nature of the examinations, maintenance or examinations and maintenance which that competent person shall carry out, and

(ii)be revised when necessary to ensure that those details are correct and up to date.

(c)Every competent person mentioned in this regulation shall record the result of any inspection or examination he makes setting out any defects he finds.