Ropes and associated equipment13


The owner shall specify the type of rope intended for use in any winding apparatus and any attachment or connection intended for use with such a rope and shall ensure that any such rope, attachment or connection is suitable for the use for which it is intended.


Before any winding rope is put into service in a shaft, the owner shall specify in writing the maximum life expected for any winding rope in that shaft, taking into account the conditions under which the winding rope will be used.


If there is any change in the conditions under which a winding rope is used in a shaft, the owner shall review the life specified under paragraph (2) and reduce it if necessary.


The owner shall ensure that the specification made under paragraph (2), as amended under paragraph (3) where appropriate, is kept at the office of the mine while any rope is in use as a winding rope in the shaft to which the specification relates and for 6 months thereafter.


The manager shall ensure that no rope is used for winding after the expiry of the life specified under paragraph (2), as reduced under paragraph (3) where appropriate, except in accordance with directions which may be given by an inspector appointed under section 19 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.