


(a) In relation to a scheme under section 16

1.  Full reasons for the proposal.

2.  Suggested name of the special road and general description of its route.

3.  Classes of traffic for which the special road is intended, by reference to the classes of traffic in Schedule 4.

4.  Precise proposed points of commencement and termination of the special road.

5.  Overall length of the special road, including any existing road proposed to become part of the special road (in kilometres, to two places of decimals).

6.  If the special road incorporates any existing road–

(a)name and classification number (if any) of existing road;

(b)precise points of commencement and termination of existing road;

(c)length of existing road, in kilometres, to two places of decimals; and

(d)name of the highway authority for existing road.

7.  Estimate of the cost of special road showing separately the cost of land (including accommodation works), road works and bridge works and the total cost.

8.  Particulars of any toll order under section 6 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991(1) and of any appropriation or transfer order under section 18(1)(a) or (b), made or intended to be made by the local highway authority in relation to the special road.

(b) In relation to an order under section 18

1.  Full reasons for the proposals.

2.  Title of proposed order.

3.  Title of any related special road scheme, appropriation or transfer order under section 18, or toll order under section 6 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991, or name of the special road to which the scheme or order relates.

4.  Reference number of any map, plan or section referred to in any related special road scheme.