The Plant Health (Great Britain) Order 1993

Power to enter premises used wholly or mainly as a dwelling

28.—(1) The power to enter premises conferred by articles 23, 25 and 27 of this Order may be exercised by an inspector to enter premises used wholly or mainly as a dwelling only if he has been granted a warrant by–

(a)in England and Wales, a justice of the peace; or

(b)in Scotland, a sheriff or a justice of the peace.

(2) A justice of the peace or sheriff may grant a warrant under paragraph (1) of this article only if he is satisfied

(a)that admission to any premises has been refused, or is likely to be refused, or that the case is one of urgency, or that a request for admission might prejudice the purpose of the entry; and

(b)that there are reasonable grounds for entry under Article 23, 25 or 27, as the case may be.

(3) A warrant granted under paragraph (1) of this Article shall remain in force—

(a)for one month; or

(b)until the purpose for which the warrant is granted has been fulfilled,

whichever period is the shorter.