

7.—(1) Notwithstanding the revocation of the Education (Student Loans) Regulations 1992 loans shall bear interest in respect of the period consisting of the month of August 1993 at the rate specified in regulation 7 of those regulations.

(2) Loans shall bear interest in respect of any period commencing on or after 1st September 1993 at the rate specified in paragraphs (3) and (4), being the rate appearing to the Secretary of State to be requisite for maintaining the value of the loans in real terms.

(3) That rate is the rate of interest per day which, in relation to a loan made on or after 1st September 1993, taking account of the addition of interest to the outstanding amount of the loan in accordance with regulation 8, will result in an annual percentage rate of charge determined in accordance with the Consumer Credit (Total Charge for Credit) Regulations 1980(1) which is equal to the percentage specified in paragraph (4).

(4) That percentage is the percentage increase between the retail prices index published by the Central Statistical Office ... ... ... ... for June 1992 and the retail prices index so published for June 1993.


S.I. 1980/51; amended by S.I. 1985/1192, 1989/596.