1992 No. 449


The Pipe-lines (Metrication) Regulations 1992


Laid before Parliament

Coming into force

The Secretary of State, being a Minister designated1 for the purposes of section 2(2) of the European Communities Act 19722 in relation to units of measurement to be used for economic, health, safety or administrative purposes, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 2(2) and (4) of the said Act of 1972, and of all other enabling powers, hereby makes the following Regulations:

Citation and commencement1

These Regulations may be cited as the Pipe-lines (Metrication) Regulations 1992 and shall come into force on 1st April 1992.

Amendment of Pipe-lines Act 19622


In this regulation any reference to a section or a Schedule followed by a number is a reference to the section or Schedule bearing that number in the Pipe-lines Act 19623.


With effect from 1st January 1995—


in the following provisions (which specify the minimum scale of a map on which the route of a pipe-line is delineated)—


sections 2(2)(b) and 8(1)(b);


paragraphs 1(b) and 7 of Schedule 1; and


paragraphs 1(b) and 7(1) of Schedule 2, “six inches to the mile” there shall be substituted “1 in 10,560”;


in the following provisions (which specify the maximum length of a pipe-line for certain purposes)—


section 3(1);


section 7(1); and


the definition of “cross-country pipe-line” in section 66(1), “ten miles”, in each place where they occur, there shall be substituted “16.093 kilometres”; and


in section 27(1) and (6) (which specify the minimum distance between a pipe-line and a building or structure) and 31(1) (which specifies the minimum distance between a pipe-line and any deposit of earth or other materials) for the words “ten feet” there shall be substituted “3 metres”.

Amendment of Pipe-lines (Limits of Deviation) Regulations 19623

With effect from 1st January 1995, in regulation 3 of the Pipe-lines (Limits of Deviation) Regulations 19624 (which limits the extent to which the route of a local pipe-line can deviate from the route delineated on a map submitted to the Secretary of State), for the words “one hundred feet” there shall be substituted “30 metres”.

John WakehamSecretary of State for Energy

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations implement, for the purposes of the Pipe-lines Act 1962 and the Pipe-lines (Limits of Deviation) Regulations 1962, Council Directive No.80/181/EEC (O.J. 1980, L39, 15.2.80, p.40) as amended by Council Directive No.89/617/EEC (O.J. 1989, No. L357, 7.12.89, p.28), which establish the legal units of measurement to be used throughout the Community.

The following changes are made—


Pipe-lines Act 1962


scale of maps — references to “six inches to the mile” are replaced by references to “1 in 10,560”;


length of pipe-lines — references to “ten miles” in sections 3(1), 7(1) and 66(1) are replaced by references to “16.093 kilometres”; and


in sections 27(1) and (6) and 31(1) (buildings etc. imperilling pipe-lines) — references to “ten feet” are replaced by references to “3 metres”.


In the Pipe-lines (Limits of Deviation) Regulations 1962 the reference to “one hundred feet” is replaced by a reference to “30 metres”.